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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Cooperating Colleges and Universities Directory

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We welcome institutions to join our extensive list of over 1,500 Cooperating Colleges and Universities that have indicated a willingness to accept NCCRS (formerly National PONSI) credit recommendations. Become a Cooperating College today and create a college profile and post a logo to let over 200,000 students know that you recognize the potential of the adult or nontraditional student.
Carolina University (formerly John Wesley College)
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
City Colleges of Chicago Malcolm X College
Chicago, Illinois
Abiline Christian University
Abilene, Texas
Academy of Art University
San Francisco, California
Adelphi University
Garden City, New York
Aiken Technical College
Aiken, South Carolina
Aims Community College
Greeley, Colorado
Alaska Pacific University
Anchorage, Alaska
Albany State University (Darton College)
Albany, Georgia
Albion College
Albion, Michigan
Alcorn State University
Alcorn State, Mississippi
Alexandria Technical College
Alexandria, Minnesota
Alfred State College
Alfred, New York
Alfred University
Alfred, New York
Allen County Community College
Iola, Kansas
Alliant International University
San Diego, California
Alterius Career College
Dean of Education
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Alvernia College
Reading, Pennsylvania
Alvin Community College
Alvin, Texas
Amberton University
Garland, Texas
American College of Education
Indianapolis, Indiana
American Intercontinental University
Schaumburg, Illinois
American International College
Springfield, Massachusetts
American Public University System
Charles Town, West Virginia
American River College
Sacramento, California
Amridge University (formerly Regions University)
Montgomery, Alabama
Anderson University
Anderson, South Carolina
Andrews University
Berrien Springs, Michigan
Angelina College
Lufkin, Texas
Anna Maria College
Paxton, Massachusetts
Anne Arundel Community College
Arnold, Maryland
Anoka-Ramsey Community College
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Antelope Valley College
Lancaster, California
Antioch University
Yellow Springs, Ohio
Appalachian Bible College
Mount Hope, West Virginia
Aquinas College
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Aquinas Institute of Theology
St. Louis, Missouri
Arapahoe Community College
Littleton, Colorado
Arkansas Northeastern College
Blytheville, Arkansas
Arkansas State University - Jonesboro
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, Arkansas
Arlington Baptist College
Arlington, Texas
Art Academy of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ashland University
Ashland, Ohio
Assumption University
Worcester, Massachusetts
Athens Technical College
Athens, Georgia
Atlantic Cape Community College
Mays Landing, New Jersey
Augsburg University
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Augustana College
Rock Island, Illinois
Aurora University
Aurora, Illinois
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, Tennessee
Averett University
Danville, Virginia
Avila University
Kansas City, Missouri
AZ Christian University (formerly Southwestern College, Phoenix)
Phoenix, Arizona
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa, California
Bacone College
Muskogee, Oklahoma
Baker College
Owosso, Michigan
Baker College of Muskegon
Muskegon, Michigan
Baker University
Overland Park, Kansas
Baldwin-Wallace University
Berea, Ohio
Baltimore Hebrew Institute (formerly Baltimore Hebrew University)
Towson, Maryland
Barclay College
Haviland, Kansas
Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Bard College at Simon's Rock
Great Barrington, Massachusetts
Barry University
Miami Shores, Florida
Barstow Community College
Barstow, California
Barton Community College
Great Bend, Kansas
Bay Path University
Longmeadow, Massachusetts
Belhaven College
Jackson, Mississippi
Bellarmine University
Louisville, Kentucky
Bellevue College
Bellevue, Washington
Bellevue University
Bellevue, Nebraska
Bellin College
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Belmont Abbey College
Belmont, North Carolina
Belmont University
Susan H. West
Senior Associate to the President
Nashville, Tennessee
Beloit College
Beloit, Wisconsin
Bemidji State University
Bemidji, Minnesota
Benedictine College
Atchison, Kansas
Berkeley College
New York, New York
Berkeley College New Jersey
Woodland Park, New Jersey
Berry College
Mount Berry, Georgia
Bethany College
Lindsborg, Kansas
Bethel University
St. Paul, Minnesota
Bethune-Cookman College
Daytona Beach, Florida
Bevill State Community College
Jasper, Alabama
Biola University
La Mirada, California
Birmingham-Southern College
Birmingham, Alabama
Black Hills State University
Spearfish, South Dakota
Black River Technical College
Pocahontas, Arkansas
Blackburn College
Carlinville, Illinois
Blackhawk Technical College
Janesville, Wisconsin
Bladen Community College
Dublin, North Carolina
Bloomfield College
Bloomfield, New Jersey
Blue Mountain Community College
Pendleton, Oregon
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Martinsburg, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Community College
Weyers Cave, Virginia
Bluefield College
Bluefield, Virginia
Bluefield State College
Bluefield, West Virginia
Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Lexington, Kentucky
Bluffton University
Bluffton, Ohio
Boricua College
New York, New York
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Boston Conservatory at Berklee
Boston, Massachusetts
Bottega University
Salt Lake City, Utah
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
Brenau University
Gainesville, Georgia
Briar Cliff University
Sioux City, Iowa
Bridgewater State University
Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Brightpoint Community College-formerly John Tyler Community College
Chester, Virginia
Brookdale Community College
Lincroft, New Jersey
Broome Community College
Binghamton, New York
Bryan College
Janet M. Piatt
Dayton, Tennessee
Bryant and Stratton, Albany
Albany, New York
Bryant and Stratton, Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
Bryant and Stratton, Rochester
Rochester, New York
Bryant and Stratton, Syracuse
Syracuse, New York
Bryant University
Smithfield, Rhode Island
Bucks County Community College
Newtown, Pennsylvania
Buena Vista University
Storm Lake, Iowa
Bunker Hill Community College
Boston, Massachusetts
Bushnell University (formerly Northwest Christian College)
Eugene, Oregon
Butler County Community College
Butler, Pennsylvania
Butte College
Oroville, California
Cairn University
Langhorne, Pennsylvania
Caldwell University
Caldwell, New Jersey
Calhoun Community College
Decatur, Alabama
California Baptist University
Riverside, California
California Coast University
Santa Ana, California
California College of the Arts
San Francisco, California
California Institute of Integral Studies
San Francisco, California
California Institute of The Arts
Valencia, California
California State University, Chico
Chico, California
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Carson, California
California State University, East Bay
Hayward, California
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, California
California State University, Long Beach
Long Beach, California
California State University, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
California State University, San Marcos
San Marcos, California
California State University, Stanislaus
Turlock, California
Calvary University
Kansas City, Missouri
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Cambridge College Global
Boston, Massachusetts
Camden County College
Blackwood, New Jersey
Cameron University
Lawton, Oklahoma
Campbellsville University
Campbellsville, Kentucky
Canisius College
Buffalo, New York
Cankdeska Cikana Community College (Little Hoop)
Fort Totten, North Dakota
Cape Cod Community College
West Barnstable, Massachusetts
Capella University
Kelly Brooks
Admission and Transfer Officer
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Capital University
Columbus, Ohio
Caribbean University
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Carl Albert State College
Poteau, Oklahoma
Carl Sandburg College
Galesburg, Illinois
Carlow University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Carroll University
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Carson-Newman College
Sheryl M. Gray
Jefferson City, Tennessee
Carteret Community College
Morehead City, North Carolina
Casper College
Casper, Wyoming
Catawba Valley Community College
Hickory, North Carolina
Cayuga Community College
Auburn, New York
Cedar Crest College
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Centenary University
Hackettstown, New Jersey
Central Carolina Community College
Sanford, North Carolina
Central Carolina Technical College
Sumter, South Carolina
Central Christian College Of Kansas
McPherson, Kansas
Central Christian College of the Bible (Formerly St. Louis Christian College)
St. Louis, Missouri
Central Community College
Grand Island, Nebraska
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, Connecticut
Central Michigan University
Prior Learning Coordinator
Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Central Oregon Community College
Bend, Oregon
Central State University
Wilberforce, Ohio
Central Texas College
Killeen, Texas
Central Virginia Community College
Lynchburg, Virginia
Centralia College
Centralia, Washington
Century College
White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Chadron State College
Chadron, Nebraska
Chamberlain College of Nursing
St. Louis, Missouri
Champlain College
Burlington, Vermont
Champlain College Online
Burlington, Vermont
Chandler-Gilbert Community College
Chandler, Arizona
Chapman University
Orange, California
Charleston Southern University
Charleston, South Carolina
Chatham College
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Chattanooga State Technical 'COMMUNITY COLLEGE
Norma Lee
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chestnut Hill College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Cheyney, Pennsylvania
Chicago State University
Chicago, Illinois
Chief Dull Knife College
Lame Deer, Montana
Chipola Junior College
Marianna, Florida
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Christian Life College
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Christopher Newport University
Newport News, Virginia
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
Cincinnati, Ohio
City College (The) City University of New York (CUNY)
Center for Workers Education
New York, New York
City Colleges of Chicago Richard J. Daley
Chicago, Illinois
City University of New York School of Professional Studies
New York, New York
City University of New York, The Graduate Center
New York, New York
City University of Seattle
Seattle, Washington
Clark State Community College
Springfield, Ohio
Clark University
Worcester, Massachusetts
Clarke University
Dubuque, Iowa
Clarks Summit University
Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
Clarkson University
Potsdam, New York
Clatsop Community College
Astoria, Oregon
Clear Creek Baptist Bible College
Pineville, Kentucky
Cleary University
Howell, Michigan
Cleveland State Community College
Cleveland, Tennessee
Cleveland State Community College
Cleveland, Tennessee
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton Community College
Plattsburgh, New York
Cloud County Community College
Concordia, Kansas
Coastal Bend College
Beeville, Texas
Coastal Carolina Community College
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Coffeyville Community College
Coffeyville, Kansas
Coker University
Hartsville, South Carolina
Colby Community College
Colby, Kansas
Colby-Sawyer College
New London, New Hampshire
College of Central Florida
Ocala, Florida
College of Coastal Georgia
Brunswick, Georgia
College of Dupage
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
College of Lake County
Grayslake, Illinois
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Admissions and Financial Aid
Riverdale, New York
College of Saint Mary
Omaha, Nebraska
College of St. Scholastica
Duluth, Minnesota
College of Staten Island, City University of New York (CUNY)
Staten Island, New York
College of the Atlantic
Bar Harbor, Maine
College of the Mainland
Texas City, Texas
College of the Sequoias
Visalia, California
College of Westchester
White Plains, New York
Collin College
McKinney, Texas
Colorado Christian University
Lakewood, Colorado
Colorado Northwestern Community College
Rangely, Colorado
Colorado State University Global Campus
Greenwood Village, Colorado
Colorado State University Pueblo
Pueblo, Colorado
Colorado Technical University
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Columbia College
Sonora, California
Columbia International University
Columbia, South Carolina
Columbia Southern University
Orange Beach, Alabama
Columbia State Community College
Sharon J. Bowen
Director of Records & Registration
Columbia, Tennessee
Columbia-Greene Community College
Director of Admissions
Hudson, New York
Columbus State Community College
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus State University
Columbus, Georgia
Community College of Aurora
Aurora, Colorado
Community College of Denver
Denver, Colorado
Community College of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Community College of Rhode Island
Warwick, Rhode Island
Community College of Vermont
Montpelier, Vermont
Compton Community College
Compton, California
Concord University
Athens, West Virginia
Concordia University Chicago
River Forest, Illinois
Concordia University, Wisconsin
Mequon, Wisconsin
Contra Costa College
San Pablo, California
Corban University
Salem, Oregon
Cornell CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Ithaca, New York
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York
Cornell University-NYS School of Industrial Labor Relations
Ithaca, New York
Cornerstone Theological University
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Corning Community College
Associate Director of Recruitment
Corning, New York
Covenant College
Kathy Ross
Academic Coordinator
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Cowley Community College
Arkansas City, Kansas
Crafton Hills College
Yucaipa, California
Creighton University
Omaha, Nebraska
Criswell College (The)
Dallas, Texas
Crowder College
Neosho, Missouri
Culver-Stockton College
Canton, Missouri
Curry College
Milton, Massachusetts
Cuyahoga Community College
Cleveland, Ohio
D'Youville College
Buffalo, New York
Daemen University
Amherst, New York
Dakota County Technical College
Rosemount, Minnesota
Dakota State University
Madison, South Dakota
Dakota Wesleyan University
Mitchell, South Dakota
Dallas Baptist University
Dallas, Texas
Dallas Christian College
Dallas, Texas
Dallas College, College El Centro
Dallas, Texas
Dallas College, Eastville Campus
Mesquite, Texas
Dalton State College
Dalton, Georgia
Davenport University, Eastern Region
Warren, Michigan
Davenport University, Flint
Flint, Michigan
Davenport University, Lansing
Lansing, Michigan
Davis and Elkins College
Elkins, West Virginia
Davis College
Toledo, Ohio
Dawson Community College
Glendive, Montana
De Anza College
Cupertino, California
Defiance College
Defiance, Ohio
Delaware County Community College
Media, Pennsylvania
Delaware State University
Cheryl Lolley
Director, Prior Learning Assessment
Wilmington, Delaware
Delaware Technical Community College - Charles L. Terry, Jr. Campus
Dover, Delaware
Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture
Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Delgado Community College
New Orleans, Louisiana
Delta College
University Center, Michigan
DePaul University
Chicago, Illinois
Depauw University
Greencastle, Indiana
Des Moines Area Community College
Ankeny, Iowa
Desales University
Center Valley, Pennsylvania
Devry College of New York
New York, New York
Devry College of New York, Long Island City
Long Island City, New York
Devry University, Denver
Denver, Colorado
Diablo Valley College
Pleasant Hill, California
Dickinson State University
Dickinson, North Dakota
Doane University
Crete, Nebraska
Dodge City Community College
Dodge City, Kansas
Dominican University
Transfer and Adult Programs
Orangeburg, New York
Dominican University
River Forest, Illinois
Dominican University of California
San Rafael, California
Donnelly College
Kansas City, Kansas
Dordt University
Sioux Center, Iowa
Drake University
Des Moines, Iowa
Dunwoody College of Technology
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Dutchess Community College
Registrar's Office
Poughkeepsie, New York
Dyersburg State Community College
Patricia A. Walker
Director of Records
Dyersburg, Tennessee
East Central College
Union, Missouri
East Tennessee State University
Rick Osborn
Assistant Dean
Johnson City, Tennessee
East Texas Baptist University
Marshall, Texas
East-West University
Chicago, Illinois
Eastern Connecticut State University
Willimantic, Connecticut
Eastern Florida State College
Cocoa, Florida
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, Illinois
Eastern Iowa Community College - Muscatine
Muscatine, Iowa
Eastern Iowa Community College - Scott
Bettendorf, Iowa
Eastern Nazarene College
Quincy, Massachusetts
Eastern Oklahoma State College
Wilburton, Oklahoma
Eastern Oregon University
La Grande, Oregon
Eastern University
St. Davids, Pennsylvania
Eastern Wyoming College
Torrington, Wyoming
Eckerd College
St. Petersburg, Florida
Edgecombe Community College
Tarboro, North Carolina
Edison Community College
Piqua, Ohio
Edward Waters College
Jacksonville, Florida
Elgin Community College
Elgin, Illinois
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College
Elizabethtown, Kentucky
Elmhurst College
Elmhurst, Illinois
Elmira College
Elmira, New York
Elms College
Chicopee, Massachusetts
Emmanuel College
Boston, Massachusetts
Empire State University
Saratoga Springs, New York
Empire State University (Latham)
Latham, New York
Emporia State University
Emporia, Kansas
Endicott College
Beverly, Massachusetts
Erie Community College, City Campus
Assistant Academic Dean
Buffalo, New York
Erie Community College, City North and South Campuses
Buffalo, New York
Erie Community College, South Campus
Admissions Counselor
Orchard Park, New York
Essex County College
Newark, New Jersey
Evangel University
Springfield, Missouri
Everett Community College
Everett, Washington
Evergreen State College (The)
Olympia, Washington
Evergreen Valley College
San Jose, California
Excelsior University
Albany, New York
Fairfield University
Fairfield, Connecticut
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Madison, New Jersey
Fairmont State University
Fairmont, West Virginia
Fashion Institute of Technology
Director, Registration and Records
New York, New York
Faulkner University
Montgomery, Alabama
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Finger Lakes Community College
Canandaigua, New York
Fisher College
Boston, Massachusetts
Fisk University
Keith Chandler
Director, Admissions
Nashville, Tennessee
Fitchburg State College
Fitchburg, Massachusetts
Five Towns College
Dix Hills, New York
Flathead Valley Community College
Kalispell, Montana
Florida Memorial University
Miami Gardens, Florida
Florida Southern College
Lakeland, Florida
Florida Southwestern State College
Fort Myers, Florida
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Jacksonville, Florida
Fontbonne University
St. Louis, Missouri
Fordham University
New York, New York
Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus
New York, New York
Fordham University, New York City's Jesuit University
Undergraduate Admissions
Bronx, New York
Fordham University, Tarrytown
Tarrytown, New York
Fort Hays State University
Hays, Kansas
Fort Lewis College
Durango, Colorado
Fort Peck Community College
Poplar, Montana
Fort Scott Community College
Fort Scott, Kansas
Fox Valley Technical College
Appleton, Wisconsin
Framingham State University
Framingham, Massachusetts
Franklin College
Franklin, Indiana
Franklin Cummings Tech
Boston, Massachusetts
Franklin Pierce University
Rindge, New Hampshire
Franklin University
Columbus, Ohio
Frederick Community College
Frederick, Maryland
Free Will Baptist Bible College
Dr. Milton Fields
Academic Dean
Nashville, Tennessee
Freed-Hardeman University
Larry Oldham
Henderson, Tennessee
Fresno Pacific University
Fresno, California
Friends University
Wichita, Kansas
Front Range Community College
Westminster, Colorado
Fullerton College
Fullerton, California
Fulton-Montgomery Community College
Johnstown, New York
Gadsden State Community College
Gadsden, Alabama
Gainesville State College
Oakwood, Georgia
Garden City Community College
Garden City, Kansas
Gaston College
Dallas, North Carolina
Generations College (formerly Maccormac College)
Chicago, Illinois
Genesee Community College
Batavia, New York
Geneva College
Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
George Fox University
Newberg, Oregon
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia
Georgetown University
Washington, District of Columbia
Georgia Military College
Milledgeville, Georgia
Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Clarkston, Georgia
Georgia Southwestern State University
Americus, Georgia
Georgian Court University
Lakewood, New Jersey
Germanna Community College
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Glen Oaks Community College
Centreville, Michigan
Glendale Community College
Glendale, Arizona
Goddard College
Plainfield, Vermont
Gogebic Community College
Ironwood, Michigan
Golden Gate University
San Francisco, California
Golden West College
Huntington Beach, California
Goldey-Beacom College
Wilmington, Delaware
Gordon College
Wenham, Massachusetts
Gordon State College
Barnesville, Georgia
Goshen College
Goshen, Indiana
Goucher College
Baltimore, Maryland
Governors State University
University Park, Illinois
Grace Christian University (formerly Bible College)
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grace College and Seminary
Winona Lake, Indiana
Graceland University
Lamoni, Iowa
Grambling State University
Grambling, Louisiana
Grand Rapids Community College
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grand Valley State University
Allendale, Michigan
Grand View University
Des Moines, Iowa
Grays Harbor College
Aberdeen, Washington
Grayson College
Denison, Texas
Great Basin College
Elko, Nevada
Great Bay Community College
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Green River Community College
Auburn, Washington
Greenfield Community College
Greenfield, Massachusetts
Greensboro College
Greensboro, North Carolina
Guam Community College
Mangilao, Guam
Guilford College
Greensboro, North Carolina
Guilford Technical Community College
Jamestown, North Carolina
Hagerstown Community College
Hagerstown, Maryland
Hampton University
Hampton, Virginia
Hannibal-Lagrange University
Hannibal, Missouri
Harcum College
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Harford Community College
Bel Air, Maryland
Harrisburg Area Community College
Virginia Young
Transfer Evaluation
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Hartwick College
Oneonta, New York
Hawkeye Community College
Waterloo, Iowa
Hazard Community and Technical College
Hazard, Kentucky
Hazard Community College, Lees Campus
Jackson, Kentucky
Heidelberg University
Tiffin, Ohio
Henry Ford College
Dearborn, Michigan
Herbert H. Lehman College (CUNY)
Bronx, New York
Heritage Christian University
Florence, Alabama
Heritage University
Toppenish, Washington
Herkimer College
Herkimer, New York
Herzing University
Madison, Wisconsin
High Point University
High Point, North Carolina
Highland Community College
Highland, Kansas
Highline Community College
Des Moines, Washington
Hilbert College
Hamburg, New York
Hiram College
Hiram, Ohio
Hocking College
Nelsonville, Ohio
Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke, Massachusetts
Hood College
Frederick, Maryland
Hope College
Holland, Michigan
Hope International University
Fullerton, California
Hopkinsville Community College
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
Conway, South Carolina
Houghton College
Houghton, New York
Houston Community College
Houston, Texas
Howard Community College
Columbia, Maryland
Hudson Valley Community College
Troy, New York
Humboldt State University
Arcata, California
Huntington University
Huntington, Indiana
Husson University
Bangor, Maine
Huston-Tillotson University
Austin, Texas
Hutchinson Community College
Hutchinson, Kansas
Idaho State University
Pocatello, Idaho
Illinois Central College
East Peoria, Illinois
Illinois College
Jacksonville, Illinois
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
Illinois Valley Community College
Oglesby, Illinois
Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, Illinois
Immaculata University
Immaculata, Pennsylvania
Indiana Institute Of Technology
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, Indiana
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon Campus
Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Inver Hills Community College
Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
Iona College
Graduate and Adult Admissions
New Rochelle, New York
Iowa Lakes Community College
Estherville, Iowa
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Iowa Western Community College
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Isothermal Community College
Spindale, North Carolina
Ivy Tech Community College - EAST CENTRAL
Muncie, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - KOKOMO
Kokomo, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - LAFAYETTE
Lafayette, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - NORTH CENTRAL
South Bend, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - NORTHEAST
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - NORTHWEST
Gary, Indiana
Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana - SELLERSBURG
Sellersburg, Indiana
Jackson State Community College
Frances T. Edmonson
Jackson, Tennessee
James A. Rhodes State College
Lima, Ohio
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, Virginia
James Sprunt Community College
Kenansville, North Carolina
Jamestown Community College
Jamestown, New York
Jarvis Christian College
Hawkins, Texas
Jefferson College
Hillsboro, Missouri
Jefferson Community and Technical College
Louisville, Kentucky
Jefferson Community College
Watertown, New York
John Brown University
Siloam Springs, Arkansas
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
New York, New York
John Wood Community College
Quincy, Illinois
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland
Johnson Bible College
Sandra Blevins
Knoxville, Tennessee
Johnson University
Kissimmee, Florida
Johnston Community College
Smithfield, North Carolina
Judson University
Elgin, Illinois
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Kansas City, Kansas
Kansas State University
Janie Sackrider
Non Degree Graduate Academic Advisor
Manhattan, Kansas
Kansas Wesleyan University
Salina, Kansas
Kapi'olani Community College
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kaskaskia College
Centralia, Illinois
Kean University
Michael Villanella
Union, New Jersey
Keene State College
Keene, New Hampshire
Keiser University
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Kellogg Community College
Battle Creek, Michigan
Kendall College
Chicago, Illinois
Kendall College of Art And Design of Ferris State University
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Owensboro, Kentucky
Kettering College
Kettering, Ohio
Keuka College
Keuka Park, New York
Keystone College
La Plume, Pennsylvania
King University (Formerly King College)
Bristol, Tennessee
King's College
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Kingsborough Community College
Brooklyn, New York
Kirtland Community College
Roscommon, Michigan
Knox College
Galesburg, Illinois
Kuyper College
Grand Rapids, Michigan
La Guardia Community College (CUNY)
Long Island City, New York
Labette Community College
Parsons, Kansas
Laboratory Institute Of Merchandising
New York, New York
Lackawanna College
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Lake Erie College
Painesville, Ohio
Lake Land College
Mattoon, Illinois
Lake Michigan College
Benton Harbor, Michigan
Lake Superior State University
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Lakeland Community College
Kirtland, Ohio
Lakeshore Technical College
Cleveland, Wisconsin
Lamar Institute of Technology
Beaumount, Texas
Lamar University, Beaumont
Beaumont, Texas
Lambuth University
Tracie A. Johnson
Jackson, Tennessee
Lane Community College
Eugene, Oregon
Langston University
Langston, Oklahoma
Lansing Community College
Lansing, Michigan
Laramie County Community College
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Laroche University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Lasalle University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lawrence Technological University
Southfield, Michigan
Lebanon Valley College
Annville, Pennsylvania
Lee College
Baytown, Texas
Lees-McRae College
Banner Elk, North Carolina
Lehigh Carbon Community College
Schnecksville, Pennsylvania
Lemoyne-Owen College
Clifford D. Merryman
Memphis, Tennessee
Lesley University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
LeTourneau University
Longview, Texas
Lewis and Clark Community College
Godfrey, Illinois
Lewis University
Romeoville, Illinois
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewiston, Idaho
Liberty University
Lynchburg, Virginia
Limestone University
Gaffney, South Carolina
Lindenwood University
St. Charles, Missouri
Lindsey Wilson College
Columbia, Kentucky
Linfield University
McMinnville, Oregon
Tracey Hebert
LIU Global
Brooklyn, New York
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, California
Lone Star College
The Woodlands, Texas
Long Island Business Institute
New York City, New York
Lorain County Community College
Elyria, Ohio
Loras College
Dubuque, Iowa
Los Angeles Mission College
Sylmar, California
Los Angeles Pacific University
San Dimas, California
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Louisiana State University of Alexandria
Alexandria, Louisiana
Lourdes University
Sylvania, Ohio
Lynchburg College
Lynchburg, Virginia
Macomb Community College
Warren, Michigan
Madisonville Community College
Madisonville, Kentucky
Maharishi University of Management
Fairfield, Iowa
Maine Maritime Academy
Castine, Maine
Malone University
Canton, Ohio
Manhattan Christian College
Manhattan, Kansas
Manhattan College
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Riverdale, New York
Manhattan School of Music
New York, New York
Manhattanville College
Purchase, New York
Manor College
Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Mansfield, Pennsylvania
Maria College
Albany, New York
Marian University
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Marian University
Indianapolis, Indiana
Marietta College
Marietta, Ohio
Marion Technical College
Marion, Ohio
Marist College
Poughkeepsie, New York
Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Martin University
Indianapolis, Indiana
Martinsburg College
Martinsburg, West Virginia
Mary Baldwin College
Staunton, Virginia
Marymount Manhattan College
New York, New York
Marymount University
Arlington, Virginia
Maryville University
St. Louis, Missouri
Marywood University
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Massachusetts College of Art
Boston, Massachusetts
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
North Adams, Massachusetts
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Massasoit Community College
Brockton, Massachusetts
Matanuska-Susitna College
Palmer, Alaska
Maysville Community and Technical College
Maysville, Kentucky
Mccann School of Business and Technology
Allentown, Pennsylvania
McDaniel College
Westminster, Maryland
McDowell Technical Community College
Marion, North Carolina
McHenry County College
Crystal Lake, Illinois
McKendree College
Lebanon, Illinois
McLennan Community College
Waco, Texas
McPherson College
McPherson, Kansas
Medgar Evers College
Brooklyn, New York
Mendocino College
Ukiah, California
Menlo College
Atherton, California
Mercer County Community College
West Windsor, New Jersey
Mercy College - Bronx Campus
Bronx, New York
Mercy College - Dobbs Ferry
Dobbs Ferry, New York
Mercy College - Manhattan Campus
New York, New York
Mercyhurst University
Erie, Pennsylvania
Meredith College
Raleigh, North Carolina
Mesa Community College
Mesa, Arizona
Mesabi Range College
Virginia, Minnesota
Metropolitan College of New York
New York, New York
Metropolitan Community College
Kansas City, Missouri
Metropolitan Community College, Longview
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Metropolitan Community College- Maple Woods
Kansas City, Missouri
Metropolitan State College of Denver
Denver, Colorado
Metropolitan State University
St. Paul, Minnesota
Miami University
Oxford, Ohio
Mid Michigan Community College
Harrison, Michigan
Mid-America Christian University
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mid-Atlantic Christian University (formerly Roanoke Bible College)
Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Mid-State Technical College
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Olathe, Kansas
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Middlesex Community College
Lowell, Massachusetts
Middlesex County College
Edison, New Jersey
Midway University
Midway, Kentucky
Midwestern State University
Wichita Falls, Texas
Miles Community College
Miles City, Montana
Millersville University
Millersville, Pennsylvania
Milligan College
Milton Carter
Director, Office of Lifelong Learning
Milligan College, Tennessee
Milwaukee Area Technical College
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mineral Area College
Park Hills, Missouri
Minneapolis Community and Technical College
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minnesota State College, Southeast
Red Wing, Minnesota
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Christopher Johnson, PhD
Director, Credit for Prior Learning
Moorhead, Minnesota
Minnesota West Community and Technical, Worthington Campus
Worthington, Minnesota
Mira Costa College
Oceanside, California
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus, Mississippi
Missouri Baptist University
St. Louis, Missouri
Missouri Valley College
Marshall, Missouri
Mitchell College
New London, Connecticut
Mohave Community College
Kingman, Arizona
Mohawk Valley Community College
Utica, New York
Molloy University
Rockville Centre, New York
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, New Jersey
Monroe College
Bronx, New York
Monroe Community College
Rochester, New York
Montana State University - Billings
Billings, Montana
Montana State University - Bozeman
Bozeman, Montana
Montana State University Northern
Havre, Montana
Montana Technological University
Butte, Montana
Montgomery College, Germantown Campus
Germantown, Maryland
Montgomery College, Rockville Campus
Rockville, Maryland
Montgomery College,Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Takoma Park, Maryland
Montgomery Community College
Troy, North Carolina
Montgomery County Community College
Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Montreat College
Montreat, North Carolina
Moody Bible Institute
Chicago, Illinois
Moraine Park Technical College
Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Moraine Valley Community College
Palos Hills, Illinois
Moravian University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Morgan Community College
Fort Morgan, Colorado
Morgan State University
Baltimore, Maryland
Morningside College
Sioux City, Iowa
Morris Brown College
Atlanta, Georgia
Morris College
Sumter, South Carolina
Morrison Tech
Morrison, Illinois
Morton College
Cicero, Illinois
Mount Marty College
Yankton, South Dakota
Mount Mary University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mount Mercy University
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Mount Saint Mary College
Newburgh, New York
Mount Saint Mary's University
Emmitsburg, Maryland
Mount St. Joseph University
Cincinnati, Ohio
Mount Wachusett Community College
Gardner, Massachusetts
Mountwest Community and Technical College
Huntington, West Virginia
Muhlenberg College
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Murray State College
Tishomingo, Oklahoma
Nashville State Technical Community College
Julie Duel
Records Office
Nashville, Tennessee
Nassau Community College
Garden City, New York
National American University, Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
National American University, Independence
Independence, Missouri
National American University, Rapid City
Rapid City, South Dakota
National Intelligence University
Washington, District of Columbia
National Park Community College
Hot Springs, Arkansas
National University
San Diego, California
National-Louis University
Chicago, Illinois
Nazareth College
Rochester, New York
Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
Curtis, Nebraska
Nebraska Wesleyan University
Lincoln, Nebraska
Neumann University
Aston, Pennsylvania
New England College
Henniker, New Hampshire
New England Institute of Technology
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
New Hope Christian College
Eugene, Oregon
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, New Jersey
New Mexico Military Institute
Roswell, New Mexico
New School for Public Engagement (The)
New York, New York
New York Institute of Technology
New York, New York
Newberry College
Newberry, South Carolina
Newman University
Wichita, Kansas
Nexus University
Dania Beach, Florida
Niagara County Community College
Sanborn, New York
Niagara University
Niagara University, New York
Nicholls State University
Thibodaux, Louisiana
Nichols College
Dudley, Massachusetts
Nicolet College
Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Norco College
Samuel Lee
Academic Manager,Veterans Services​
Norco, California
Normandale Community College
Bloomington, Minnesota
North Arkansas College
Harrison, Arkansas
North Central College
Naperville, Illinois
North Central State College
Mansfield, Ohio
North Central University
Minneapolis, Minnesota
North Country Community College
Saranac Lake, New York
North Dakota State University
Fargo, North Dakota
North Greenville University
Tigerville, South Carolina
North Hennepin Community College
Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
North Park University
Chicago, Illinois
North Shore Community College
Danvers, Massachusetts
Northampton Community College
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Northcentral Technical College
Wausau, Wisconsin
Northeast Community College
Norfolk, Nebraska
Northeast State Technical Community College
Billy C. Benton
Blountville, Tennessee
Northeastern Junior College
Sterling, Colorado
Northeastern University
Burlington, Massachusetts
Northern Essex Community College
Haverhill, Massachusetts
Northern New Mexico College
Espanola, New Mexico
Northern State University
Aberdeen, South Dakota
Northland College
Ashland, Wisconsin
Northland Pioneer College- White Mountain Campus
Show Low, Arizona
Northwest Iowa Community College
Sheldon, Iowa
Northwest Seminary College
Northwest University
Kirkland, Washington
Northwestern College
Chicago, Illinois
Northwood Technical College
Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Northwood University (Indianapolis)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Northwood University (Louisville)
Louisville, Kentucky
Northwood University (Midland)
Midland, Michigan
Northwood University (New Orleans)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Norwich University
Northfield, Vermont
Notre Dame De Namur University
Belmont, California
Notre Dame of Maryland University (formerly College of Notre Dame of Maryland)
Baltimore, Maryland
Nova Southeastern University
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Oakland City University
Oakland City, Indiana
Oakland Community College
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Oakwood College
Huntsville, Alabama
Ocean County College
Toms River, New Jersey
Ohio Christian University
Circleville, Ohio
Ohio Dominican University
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio State University (The)
Columbus, Ohio
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio
Ohio University, Zanesville
Zanesville, Ohio
Ohio University, Chillicothe
Chillicothe, Ohio
Ohio Valley University
Vienna, West Virginia
Oklahoma Baptist University
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Panhandle State University
Goodwell, Oklahoma
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Olivet Nazarene University
Bourbonnais, Illinois
Olympic College
Bremerton, Washington
Orange Coast College
Costa Mesa, California
Orange County Community College
Middletown, New York
Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College
Orangeburg, South Carolina
Otero Junior College
La Junta, Colorado
Ottawa University
Ottawa, Kansas
Ottawa University - Milwaukee
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Ottawa University, Overland Park
Overland Park, Kansas
Ottawa University-Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona
Our Lady of The Lake University
San Antonio, Texas
Owens Community College
Perrysburg, Ohio
Owensboro Community and Technical College
Owensboro, Kentucky
Oxnard College
Oxnard, California
Pace University, New York City Campus
New York, New York
Pace University, Westchester Campus
Pleasantville, New York
Pacific Oaks College
Pasadena, California
Palm Beach Atlantic University
West Palm Beach, Florida
Palomar College
San Marcos, California
Paradise Valley Community College
Phoenix, Arizona
Park University
Parkville, Missouri
Patten University
Oakland, California
Paul D. Camp Community College
Franklin, Virginia
Paul Smith's College
Paul Smiths, New York
Peirce College
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pellissippi State Technical Community College
Melanie Paradise
Interim Register
Knoxville, Tennessee
Peninsula College at Port Angeles
Port Angeles, Washington
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
Media, Pennsylvania
PennWest Clarion
Clarion, Pennsylvania
Pensacola State College
Pensacola, Florida
Pepperdine University
Malibu, California
Peru State College
Peru, Nebraska
Pfeiffer University
Misenheimer, North Carolina
Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing
New York, New York
Phillips County Community College
Helena, Arkansas
Phoenix College
Phoenix, Arizona
Piedmont Community College
Roxboro, North Carolina
Piedmont Technical College
Greenwood, South Carolina
Piedmont Virginia Community College
Charlottesville, Virginia
Pierce College
Lakewood, Washington
Pierpont Community and Technical College
Fairmont, West Virginia
Pikes Peak Community College
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pima County Community College
Michael Tulino
Director of Online Student Success
Tucson, Arizona
Pima Medical Institute
Mesa, Arizona
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, Kansas
Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Oakdale, Pennsylvania
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, New Hampshire
Point Park University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Point University (formerly Atlanta Christian College)
West Point, Georgia
Portland Community College
Portland, Oregon
Portland State University
Portland, Oregon
Post University
Waterbury, Connecticut
Potomac State College of West Virginia University
Keyser, West Virginia
Prairie View A & M University
Prairie View, Texas
Prescott College
Prescott, Arizona
Prince George's Community College
Largo, Maryland
Providence College
Providence, Rhode Island
Pueblo Community College
Pueblo, Colorado
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana
Purdue University Global
West Lafayette, Indiana
Purdue University Global
West Lafayette, Indiana
Queens College City University of New York (CUNY)
Flushing, New York
Queens University
Charlotte, North Carolina
Quincy University
Quincy, Illinois
Quinsigamond Community College
Worcester, Massachusetts
Radford University
Radford, Virginia
Ramapo College of New Jersey
Mahwah, New Jersey
Randall University
Moore, Oklahoma
Randolph Community College
Asheboro, North Carolina
Ranger College
Ranger, Texas
Raritan Valley Community College
Somerville, New Jersey
Rasmussen University- Bloomington Office
Bloomington, Minnesota
Reading Area Community College
Reading, Pennsylvania
Redlands Community College
El Reno, Oklahoma
Regis University
Denver, Colorado
Reinhardt College
Waleska, Georgia
Rhode Island College
Providence, Rhode Island
Richard Bland College of William and Mary
South Prince George, Virginia
Richmond Community College
Hamlet, North Carolina
Rider University
Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Rio Salado College
Tempe, Arizona
Riverside City College
Riverside, California
Rivier College
Nashua, New Hampshire
Roane State Community College
Donna Mack
Assistant Director of Records
Harriman, Tennessee
Roanoke-Chowan Community College
Ahoskie, North Carolina
Robert Morris University
Moon Township, Pennsylvania
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester, New York
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York
Rochester University
Rochester Hills, Michigan
Rockford University
Rockford, Illinois
Rockingham Community College
Wentworth, North Carolina
Rockland Community College (SUNY)
Suffern, New York
Rocky Mountain College
Billings, Montana
Roger Williams University
Bristol, Rhode Island
Rogue Community College
Grants Pass, Oregon
Roosevelt University
Chicago, Illinois
Rose State College
Midwest City, Oklahoma
Rosedale Technical Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rosemont College
Rosemont, Pennsylvania
Rowan College of Southern New Jersey
Vineland, New Jersey
Rowan University
Glassboro, New Jersey
Russell Sage College
Troy, New York
Sacramento City College
Sacramento, California
Sacramento State, California State University
Sacramento, California
Sacred Heart University
Fairfield, Connecticut
Saint Anselm College
Manchester, New Hampshire
Saint Basil Seminary
Stamford, Connecticut
Saint Elizabeth University
Morristown, New Jersey
Saint Joseph's College Of Maine
Standish, Maine
Saint Leo University
Saint Leo, Florida
Saint Martin's University
Lacey, Washington
Saint Peter's College
Jersey City, New Jersey
Saint Xavier University
Chicago, Illinois
Salem College
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Salem Community College
Carneys Point, New Jersey
Salem State University
Salem, Massachusetts
Salem University
Salem, West Virginia
Salisbury State University
Salisbury, Maryland
Salish Kootenai College
Pablo, Montana
Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salve Regina University
Newport, Rhode Island
Samford University
Birmingham, Alabama
Sampson Community College
Clinton, North Carolina
Samuel Merritt University
Oakland, California
San Diego Christian College
Santee, California
San Diego City College
San Diego, California
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego, California
San Diego Miramar College
San Diego, California
San Diego State University
San Diego, California
San Jacinto College
Pasadena, Texas
San Joaquin Delta College
Stockton, California
San Jose City College
San Jose, California
San Jose State University
San Jose, California
San Juan College
Farmington, New Mexico
Santa Monica College
Santa Monica, California
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santa Rosa, California
Schenectady County Community College
Schenectady, New York
School for International Training (SIT)
Brattleboro, Vermont
Schoolcraft College
Livonia, Michigan
Seminole State College
Seminole, Oklahoma
Seton Hall University
South Orange, New Jersey
Shawnee State University
Portsmouth, Ohio
Shenandoah University
Winchester, Virginia
Shepherd University
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Shorter University
Rome, Georgia
Siena College
Loudonville, New York
Siena Heights University
Adrian, Michigan
Simpson College
Indianola, Iowa
Simpson University
Redding, California
Sinclair Community College
Dayton, Ohio
Sinte Gleska University
Mission, South Dakota
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, New York
Skyline College
San Bruno, California
Snead State Community College
Boaz, Alabama
Snow College
Ephraim, Utah
Somerset Community College
Somerset, Kentucky
South Central College
North Mankato, Minnesota
South Mountain Community College
Phoenix, Arizona
South Puget Sound Community College
Olympia, Washington
South Seattle College
Seattle, Washington
Southeast Community College
Lincoln, Nebraska
Southeastern Baptist College
Laurel, Mississippi
Southeastern Community College
West Burlington, Iowa
Southern Arkansas University Tech
East Camden, Arkansas
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois
Southern Nazarene University
Bethany, Oklahoma
Southern New Hampshire University
Transfer Credit Manager
Manchester, New Hampshire
Southern Oregon University
Ashland, Oregon
Southern State Community College
Hillsboro, Ohio
Southern Union State Community College
Wadley, Alabama
Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
Logan, West Virginia
Southwest Tennessee Community College
Barbara Wells
Memphis, Tennessee
Southwest Virginia Community College
Richlands, Virginia
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Fennimore, Wisconsin
Southwestern Adventist University
Keene, Texas
Southwestern Assemblies of God University
Waxahachie, Texas
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, Texas
Southwestern Christian University
Bethany, Oklahoma
Southwestern College, Chula Vista
Chula Vista, California
Southwestern College, Winfield
Winfield, Kansas
Southwestern Community College
Creston, Iowa
Southwestern Michigan College
Dowagiac, Michigan
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Weatherford, Oklahoma
Southwestern Oregon Community College
Coos Bay, Oregon
Spalding University
Louisville, Kentucky
Spartanburg Community College
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Spelman College
Atlanta, Georgia
Spoon River College
Canton, Illinois
Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor, Michigan
Spring Hill College
Mobile, Alabama
Springfield College
Springfield, Massachusetts
St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa
St. Catherine University
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Clair County Community College
Port Huron, Michigan
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud, Minnesota
St. Cloud Technical College
St. Cloud, Minnesota
St. Edward's University
Austin, Texas
St. Francis College
Brooklyn Heights, New York
St. Francis University
Loretto, Pennsylvania
St. John Fisher College
Rochester, New York
St. John's University
Queens, New York
St. John's University, School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science
New York, New York
St. John's University, Staten Island Campus
Staten Island, New York
St. Joseph's University, NY - Main Campus
Brooklyn, New York
St. Joseph's University, NY- Long Island Campus
Patchogue, New York
St. Lawrence University
Canton, New York
St. Louis Community College, Meramec
Kirkwood, Missouri
St. Mary's College Of California
Moraga, California
St. Mary's University
San Antonio, Texas
St. Mary-Of-The-Woods College
West Terre Haute, Indiana
St. Norbert College
De Pere, Wisconsin
St. Thomas Aquinas College
Director, Academic Advisement
Sparkill, New York
St. Vincent College
Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Stark State College Of Technology
Canton, Ohio
State University of New York at Albany
Albany, New York
State University of New York at Binghamton
Binghamton, New York
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, New York
State University of New York College at Brockport
Brockport, New York
State University of New York College at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
State University of New York College at Cortland
Cortland, New York
State University of New York College at Geneseo
Geneseo, New York
State University of New York College at Oswego
Oswego, New York
State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
Plattsburgh, New York
State University of New York College at Potsdam
Potsdam, New York
State University of New York College at Purchase
Purchase, New York
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry at Syracuse
Syracuse, New York
State University of New York College of Technology at Delhi
Delhi, New York
Stephen F. Austin State University
Nacogdoches, Texas
Stephens College
Columbia, Missouri
Stevenson University, Greenspring Campus
Stevenson, Maryland
Stillman College
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Stockton University
Galloway, New Jersey
Stonehill College
North Easton, Massachusetts
Strayer University
Washington, District of Columbia
Suffolk County Community College
Selden, New York
Suffolk University
Boston, Massachusetts
Sul Ross State University
Alpine, Texas
Sullivan County Community College
Loch Sheldrake, New York
Sullivan University
Louisville, Kentucky
SUNY Adirondack
Queensbury, New York
SUNY Cobleskill
Cobleskill, New York
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
Canton, New York
SUNY College of Technology at Farmingdale
Farmingdale, New York
SUNY Maritime College
Bronx, New York
SUNY Morrisville
Morrisville, New York
SUNY New Paltz
New Paltz, New York
SUNY Old Westbury
Old Westbury, New York
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820, New York
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
Tabor College
Hillsboro, Kansas
Talladega College
Talladega, Alabama
Tallahassee Community College
Tallahassee, Florida
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, Texas
Tarrant County College
Fort Worth, Texas
Tennessee State University
Nashville, Tennessee
Tennessee State University Avon Williams Campus
Nashville, Tennessee
Tennessee Temple University
Richard D. Vaupel
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Tennessee Wesleyan College
Connie Southerland
Athens, Tennessee
Terra State Community College
Fremont, Ohio
Texarkana College
Texarkana, Texas
Texas A & M International University
Laredo, Texas
Texas A & M University - Texarkana
Texarkana, Texas
Texas A & M University, Commerce
Commerce, Texas
Texas A & M University, Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, Texas
Texas A & M University, Kingsville
Kingsville, Texas
Texas Lutheran University
Seguin, Texas
Texas Southern University
Houston, Texas
Texas State Technical College, Harlingen
Harlingen, Texas
Texas State Technical College, Sweetwater
Sweetwater, Texas
Texas State University
San Marcos, Texas
Texas Woman's University
Denton, Texas
The College Of Saint Rose
Albany, New York
The College of Southern Nevada
Henderson, Nevada
The Community College Of Baltimore County Dundalk
Coordinator of Articulation, Transfer, and Prior Learning Assessment
Baltimore, Maryland
The Master's University
Santa Clarita, California
The New School University
New York, New York
The Pontifical Catholic University Of Puerto Rico
Ponce, Puerto Rico
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, Alabama
The University Of Memphis
Steven McKelips
Director of Admissions
Memphis, Tennessee
The University of Olivet
Olivet, Michigan
Thiel College
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Thomas Edison State University
Trenton, New Jersey
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Thomas More College
Crestview Hills, Kentucky
Thomas Nelson Community College
Hampton, Virginia
Three Rivers Community College
Poplar Bluff, Missouri
Tidewater Community College
Norfolk, Virginia
Tiffin University
Tiffin, Ohio
Toccoa Falls College
Toccoa Falls, Georgia
Tompkins Cortland Community College
Dryden, New York
Touro College
New York, New York
Trevecca Nazarene University
Peggy Carpenter
Director of Academic Support Services
Nashville, Tennessee
Trident University International
Cypress, California
Trine University
Angola, Indiana
Trinidad State College
Trinidad, Colorado
Trinity Bible College and Graduate School
Ellendale, North Dakota
Trinity Christian College
Palos Heights, Illinois
Trinity College of Florida
New Port Richey, Florida
Trinity International University
Deerfield, Illinois
Trinity International University, Miramar
Miami, Florida
Trinity Washington University
Washington, District of Columbia
Triton College
River Grove, Illinois
Trocaire College
Buffalo, New York
Troy University
Troy, Alabama
Truckee Meadows Community College
Reno, Nevada
Tulsa Community College
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tusculum College
Dr. Gar Bergvin
Vice President and Dean
Greeneville, Tennessee
Tyler Junior College
Tyler, Texas
Ulster County Community College
Stone Ridge, New York
Umpqua Community College
Roseburg, Oregon
Union College
Barbourville, Kentucky
Union Institute and University
Cincinnati, Ohio
Union University
Jane B. Betts
Jackson, Tennessee
United States University
San Diego, California
University of Akron
Akron, Ohio
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama
University of Alaska Anchorage
Anchorage, Alaska
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska
University of Alaska Southeast
Juneau, Alaska
University of Arkansas - Fort Smith
Fort Smith, Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock, Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Monticello, Arkansas
University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana
Hope, Arkansas
University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech
North Little Rock, Arkansas
University of Arkansas Rich Mountain (formerly Rich Mountain Community College)
Mena, Arkansas
University of Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
University of Bridgeport
Bridgeport, Connecticut
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, Arkansas
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, Oklahoma
University of Charleston
Charleston, West Virginia
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
University of Cincinnati Clermont
Batavia, Ohio
University of Dubuque
Dubuque, Iowa
University of Findlay (The)
Findlay, Ohio
University of Guam
Mangilao, Guam
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Hilo, Hawaii
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
Kapolei, Hawaii
University of Holy Cross
New Orleans, Louisiana
University of Houston
Houston, Texas
University of Illinois at Springfield
Springfield, Illinois
University of Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
University of Maine At Fort Kent
Fort Kent, Maine
University of Mary
Bismarck, North Dakota
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Belton, Texas
University of Mary Washington
Fredericksburg, Virginia
University of Maryland at Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
University of Maryland Global Campus
Largo, Maryland
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Mount Ida Campus
Newton, Massachusetts
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Minneapolis, Minnesota
University of Minnesota, Crookston
Crookston, Minnesota
University of Minnesota, Morris
Morris, Minnesota
University of Mobile
Mobile, Alabama
University of Mount Olive
Mount Olive, North Carolina
University of Mount Union
Alliance, Ohio
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska
University of Nebraska Kearney
Kearney, Nebraska
University of Nebraska Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada
University of New Hampshire, formerly Granite State College
Manchester, New Hampshire
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, Iowa
University of Northwestern - St. Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota
University of Northwestern Ohio
Lima, Ohio
University of Oklahoma (The)
Norman, Oklahoma
University of Phoenix – All campus locations
University of Pikeville
Pikeville, Kentucky
University of Providence (formerly University of Great Falls)
Great Falls, Montana
University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College
Rio Grande, Ohio
University of Saint Francis
Fort Wayne, Indiana
University of Saint Joseph
West Hartford, Connecticut
University of Saint Mary
Leavenworth, Kansas
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Chickasha, Oklahoma
University of Scranton
Scranton, Pennsylvania
University of Silicon Valley-formerly Cogswell College
San Jose, California
University of Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
University of South Carolina, Upstate
Spartanburg, South Carolina
University of Tampa
Tampa, Florida
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Edinburg, Texas
University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, Kentucky
University of the District of Columbia
Washington, District of Columbia
University of the People (UoPeople)
Lisa Romano-Arnold, DM
Pasadena, California
University of the Potomac
Washington, District of Columbia
University of the Southwest
Hobbs, New Mexico
University of Toledo (The)
Toledo, Ohio
University of Vermont (The)
Burlington, Vermont
University of West Georgia
Carrollton, Georgia
University of West Los Angeles
Chatsworth, California
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
River Falls, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Menomonie, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Superior
Superior, Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin - Whitewater
Whitewater, Wisconsin
University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
UPI Global - Canada
Toronto, Ontario
Upper Iowa University
Fayette, Iowa
Ursuline College
Pepper Pike, Ohio
Utah State University Eastern
Price, Utah
Utica College
Utica, New York
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, Georgia
Valley City State University
Valley City, North Dakota
Valley Forge Military Academy and College
Wayne, Pennsylvania
Vance-Granville Community College
Henderson, North Carolina
Vanguard University
Costa Mesa, California
Vermilion Community College
Hibbing, Minnesota
Vermont State Colleges
Montpelier, Vermont
Vermont State University, Castleton Campus
Castleton, Vermont
Vermont State University, Johnson campus
Johnson, Vermont
Vermont State University, Lyndon Campus
Lyndonville, Vermont
Vernon College
Vernon, Texas
Villa Maria College of Buffalo
Buffalo, New York
Virginia State University
Petersburg, Virginia
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Lynchburg, Virginia
Virginia Wesleyan University
Norfolk, Virginia
Viterbo University
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Wagner College
Staten Island, New York
Walden University
Baltimore, Maryland
Wallace Community College
Dothan, Alabama
Walsh College
Troy, Michigan
Walsh University
North Canton, Ohio
Warner Pacific University
Portland, Oregon
Wartburg College
Waverly, Iowa
Washington Adventist University (formerly Columbia Union College)
Takoma Park, Maryland
Washington State Community College
Marietta, Ohio
Washtenaw Community College
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Waubonsee Community College
Sugar Grove, Illinois
Wayne State College
Wayne, Nebraska
Waynesburg University
Waynesburg, Pennsylvania
Webb Institute
Glen Cove, New York
Webber International University
Babson Park, Florida
Webster University
St. Louis, Missouri
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Boston, Massachusetts
Wesleyan College
Macon, Georgia
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
West Chester, Pennsylvania
West Coast University
Irvine, California
West Hills College
Coalinga, California
West Liberty University
West Liberty, West Virginia
West Shore Community College
Scottville, Michigan
West Virginia Northern Community College
Wheeling, West Virginia
West Virginia State University
Institute, West Virginia
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
Beckley, West Virginia
West Virginia University Parkersburg
Parkersburg, West Virginia
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Buckhannon, West Virginia
Westchester Community College
Valhalla, New York
Western Connecticut State University
Danbury, Connecticut
Western Illinois University
Macomb, Illinois
Western Iowa Tech Community College
Sioux City, Iowa
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Western Nevada College
Carson City, Nevada
Western New Mexico University
Silver City, New Mexico
Western Oklahoma State College
Altus, Oklahoma
Western Oregon University
Monmouth, Oregon
Western Technical College
La Crosse, Wisconsin
Westminster College
New Wilmington, Pennsylvania
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, Utah
Westminster College
Fulton, Missouri
Westmoreland County Community College
Youngwood, Pennsylvania
Whatcom Community College
Bellingham, Washington
Wheeling University
Wheeling, West Virginia
Wheelock College of Education and Human Development
Boston, Massachusetts
White Mountains Community College
Berlin, New Hampshire
Whitworth University
Spokane, Washington
Widener University
Chester, Pennsylvania
Wilberforce University
Wilberforce, Ohio
Wilkes Community College
Wilkesboro, North Carolina
Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Willamette University
Salem, Oregon
William Carey University
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
William Howard Taft University
Denver, Colorado
William Jessup University
San Jose, California
William Penn University
West Des Moines, Iowa
William Woods University
Fulton, Missouri
Williamson Christian College
Robyn Wollas
Franklin, Tennessee
Williston State College
Williston, North Dakota
Wilmington College
Wilmington, Ohio
Wilmington University
New Castle, Delaware
Wilson Community College
Wilson, North Carolina
Winona State University
Winona, Minnesota
Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wittenberg University
Springfield, Ohio
Wright State University
Dayton, Ohio
Wytheville Community College
Wytheville, Virginia
Xavier University
Cincinnati, Ohio
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana
Yeshiva University
New York, New York
York College (CUNY)
Jamaica, New York
York College of Pennsylvania
York, Pennsylvania
York Technical College
Rock Hill, South Carolina
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio
Zane State College
Zainsville, Ohio
