Framingham State University

Type of Institution:
Public Four-Year
Degrees Available:
(List of degree programs generally contains those that are designed to accommodate working adults and nontraditional students.) The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education at Framingham State University offers an extensive range of part-time undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs.
Forms of Credit:
- Towards the Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies Degree: The University will award credit based on the following measurements of non-collegiate learning: proficiency examinations (CLEP, Excelsior College, AP); credit recommendations published in the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) College Credit Recommendation Service (CCR) Online; credit recommendations published in the American Council on Education's Military Guide; and individualized assessment of prior learning demonstrated by documentation in a Life Experience portfolio. Experiential learning categories include Employment, Community Service, Non-Credit Certificate Programs, Military Service, and Educational Travel. Submission of a portfolio is optional.
- Up to eight 4-credit elective courses (32 hours) of a student's degree program may be earned based on evidence provided in student's portfolio.
- Although a substantial number of transfer courses can be accepted by the program, at least eight 4-credit courses must be taken in residence.
Additional Information:
- The Division of Graduate and Continuing Education is responsible of the administration of evening, summer and online courses.
- The Liberal Studies Program is designed to allow students who have substantial life experience to obtain college credit for that experience.
- Because the program includes an interdisciplinary concentration in lieu of a traditional major and an elective category of 40 credits, students can maximize transfer credits.
- If the University's General Education requirements in foreign language and a Lab science have been satisfied by transfer credits, the Liberal Studies Program can, with proper course selection, be completed entirely online.
Contact Information
Scott B. Greenberg, Associate VP of Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate and Continuing Education
100 State Street
Framingham, MA 01701
United StatesPhone: