Maalot College
Maalot College, an NCCRS member organization since August 2024 is a division of Maalot Educational Network, is an educational institution designed to meet the unique needs of contemporary Jewish women. Maalot Educational Network became an NCCRS member organization in early 2010. They offer online education through real-time Zoom lectures and interactive or hybrid coursework, allowing students to balance their academic pursuits with family obligations, financial responsibilities, and Torah values.
Maalot college provides a range of academic programs, including Computer Science, Judaic Studies, Early Childhood Education, Mathematics, and Psychology. A key feature of Maalot College is its emphasis on personal interaction between instructors and students, facilitated by small class sizes. This approach allows for a more tailored and engaging learning experience, which is particularly valuable in an online setting. Maalot College caters to students who have high expectations of themselves in various aspects of their lives, including academic, religious, family, and professional spheres. The online format of the courses allows students to pursue their educational goals while maintaining their commitments to Torah scholarship and other personal responsibilities.
Source of Official Student Records
Source of Official Student Records
Maalot College
6530 North 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85014
Titles of all evaluated learning experiences
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
Computer Science - Maalot College
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify specifications and configurations of computer hardware; use the components of a computer system; use the terminology of current computer language correctly; use the Windows operating system easily and effectively; navigate the interface and common features across Office applications; efficiently create, enter, format, manage, and present data using various Microsoft Office tools; create spreadsheets and charts using Microsoft Excel; utilize, and customize a database using Microsoft Access; and utilize the Internet and its capabilities to create personal webpages using HTML.
Major topics include introduction to computers and terminology; navigating the operating system Windows 10; basic application software categories of word processing; database, presentations and spreadsheets using Microsoft Office software applications; and fundamentals of internet and HTML.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science or as an elective in Computer Science or Computer Applications in Business (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define and apply database concepts such as: database design, relational database design, database architecture, entity-relationships, data normalization, data modeling, ensuring data independence, query design, relationships, SQL, client/server, transaction processing, data types, indexing, ODBC, data access languages, security; and design, build, and implement a fully functional relational database using either Microsoft Access and/or SQL Server implementing required topics.
Major topics include database concepts and definitions, logical organization, components of databases, database architecture and data modeling, data normalization, data descriptions and query languages, SQL, query processing, transaction processing, database integrity, database design, client/server, Microsoft Access, data access using ADO and DAO.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: write programs in C# using basic and advanced features of the language; perform arithmetic and character operations on variables; write a program that creates classes and objects; apply control structures in program development; incorporate simple repetition statements (loops) in programs; employ various data types and perform conversions between them; integrate nested loops in program writing; use a counter controlled loop in writing a program; differentiate between various logical operators and show their use in compound selector statements; create and manipulate one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays; define and use methods in a program; develop programs utilizing classes and objects; and define and manipulate strings.
Topics include introduction to programming using the C# language; use of variables, data types and conversions; arithmetic operators; control structures, repetition, methods, arrays, strings, classes and objects, and I/O.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science Software Engineering (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: explain what data structures are and why they are important; implement and operate upon arrays, ordered arrays, linked lists of various types, stacks, queues, deques, binary trees and binary search trees; analyze time complexity of data structures and their operations (insertion, deletion, searching, etc.); identify which data structures and algorithms are more suited to particular tasks and scenarios; identify and appreciate efficiency in programming; explain and utilize pointers; identify practical applications of data structures; define the beauty of recursion; trace through recursive algorithms with a clear understanding of how they work and what’s being done at each step in the code; utilize recursion in one’s own programming; differentiate between different types of trees; identify different parts of a tree as well as a tree’s size, height and the depth of a given node; and implement binary trees with multiple underlying data structures.
Major topics include pointers algorithm and data structure complexity analysis (big o); linked list;, recursion; stacks; queues and deque; circular and doubly linked lists, binary trees; and general trees.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 4 semester hours in Computer Science or Software Engineering (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: differentiate between composition and inheritance according to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles; solve programming problems using object-oriented techniques with C#; use objects properly in a program; apply programming skills to write a program using a class inheritance hierarchy; utilize the OOP principle of abstraction within a C# program; differentiate between various OOP principles and their applications in C#; assess the use of polymorphism and abstraction in different programming scenarios; implement the principle of behavioral abstraction in a C# program; write programs that use polymorphism effectively; identify polymorphism in code examples; write programs using GUI (graphic user interface) components; write programs using advanced GUI components; define event handlers for GUI components; implement delegates as necessary in an event handling context; write programs that create and access files; write programs using generic methods and classes; and write a program using asynchronous programming techniques.
Major topics include introduction to concepts in object-oriented programming; objects; inheritance; polymorphism; encapsulation; and use of GUI components in C#, including event handling and delegates.
In the associate/certificate degree category, in the lower division baccalaureate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science Software Engineering (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: use mathematical expressions to describe functions of simple combinational and sequential circuits; describe physical limitations of electronic circuits; explain the pros and cons of using different formats to represent numerical data; convert numerical data from one format to another; discuss effects of fixed-length number representations on accuracy and precision; describe internal representation of characters, strings, records, and arrays; explain the basic organization and major functional units of the von Neumann machine; comprehend how an instruction is executed in a von Neumann machine; summarize how instructions are represented at machine levels and in context of a symbolic assembler; identify different instruction formats, such as addresses per instruction and variable length versus fixed length formats; write simple assembly language program segments; demonstrate how fundamental high-level programming constructs are implemented at the machine-language level; comprehend basic concepts of interrupts and I/O operations; explain how interrupts are used to implement I/O control and data transfers; identify various types of buses; describe data access from various drives, such as magnetic disks, optical disks, magnetic tape, and RAID drives; compare alternative implementations of data paths; discuss control points and the generation of control signals using hardwired or microprogrammed implementations; explain basic instruction level parallelism using pipelining and describe hazards that may occur; implement parallel processing beyond the classical von Neumann model; and describe alternative architectures such as SISD (Single Instruction, Single Data), SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data), MISD (Multiple Instruction, Single Data), and MIMD (Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data), and VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word).
Major topics include introduction to various hardware and software components necessary to process information digitally, as defined by the structure and architecture of computers and their organizations; components and layers of the computing systems - electronic gates and progressing to higher level software; and main roles and components of the ALU, CPU, main memory, I/O.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science or as an elective in Electrical and Computer Engineering (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss the details of various types of advanced data structures, know how and when to use them, and evaluate their efficiency: implement bubble, selection, insertion, shell, quick, merge and heapsort; implement linear, binary and interpolation search; optimize sorts where possible; compare and contrast different searching and sorting algorithms; implement algorithms to find min and max of binary trees and predecessors and successors of given nodes; identify and define balanced binary trees, self-balancing binary search trees (red-black and AVL), multiway search trees, B trees, B+ trees; describe insertion and traversal algorithms for various self-balancing binary search trees and multiway search trees; differentiate between and understand practical applications of different trees; identify and list practical applications of heaps, hash tables and graphs; perform simple operations on heaps and graphs; represent heaps and graphs in multiple ways; address hash table collisions in multiple ways; and analyze time complexities of all algorithms.
Major topics include evaluation of algorithms, sorting algorithms - bubble; selection; insertion; merge; quick; shell; and tree sorts; heaps and heapsort; searching techniques – linear; binary; interpolation; Trees - B-trees; B+ trees; Red-Black trees; AVL trees; hashing; and graphs.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science (8/24).
Education - Maalot College
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: examine child development from birth to six years particularly cognitive, physical-motor, emotional, language development; explore developmental and learning theories; implement curriculum in a classroom; modify techniques for use with special needs children; evaluate children's progress; maintain communication with families; and implement appropriate behavioral objectives in a diverse world.
Major topics include child development from birth to 6 years; developmental and learning theories; classroom curriculum; modification of techniques for use with special needs children; evaluating children’s progress, maintain communication with families; and appropriate behavioral objectives.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Foundations of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education, Education, Elementary Education, Child Development, Human Development, Psychology, Social Work, Family Studies, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Psychology, Sociology, or Speech and Language Pathology (8/24).
200 hours: 20 hours weekly in a classroom setting, weekly mentoring sessions for a minimum of 10 hours and 16 hours of online lecture.
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify key elements in a well-run classroom; define the teacher’s role and responsibilities in the classroom and its physical set up; describe the role of play in the curriculum; plan for successful learning for various cultural, gender and learning differences; organize a unit of study and lesson plans in various disciplines and provide age-appropriate materials and games.
Major topics include course design, objectives and learning experiences; Bilingualism and Language in English speaking classrooms; the role of play in childhood development; appropriate physical and emotional learning environments; sensory processing; and effective communication strategies and skills for with students. Topics may vary.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology, Child Development, Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education, Teacher Education, Classroom Management, Education Studies, Inclusive Education, Instructional Strategies, or Educational Leadership (8/24).
200 hours: 20 hours weekly in a classroom setting, weekly mentoring sessions for a minimum of 10 hours and 16 hours of online lecture.
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: plan teaching units in the areas of social sciences, math or the arts in the curriculum to enhance different learning styles including learning disabilities; apply reading theories to build reading readiness and reading skills; consider the effects of physical and emotional environment on children and teacher behavior; evaluate progress appropriately and effectively; communicate with government agencies, families and staff effectively; and apply strategies that support children’s divergent thinking and problem solving skills and adapt strategies to the diverse needs of children.
Major topics include course design, objectives and learning experiences; curriculum design and implementation in childhood education; language and literacy development; classroom management; and collaboration with parents and staff.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Educational Psychology, Child Development, Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education, Teacher Education, Classroom Management, Education Studies, Inclusive Education, Instructional Strategies, or Educational Leadership (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify and evaluate skills of a successful ECE program administrator; examine various forms and components of ECE organizational structures; apply ECE standards of quality practice to program planning and design; describe and analyze various types of ECE licensing regulations and their specific purposes; apply knowledge of health and safety standards to the set-up of a developmentally appropriate, safe and healthy ECE environment; identify and explain criteria for choosing ECE facility and program equipment; analyze ECE program practices and procedures for personnel; identify effective marketing and public relations strategies for ECE; evaluate ECE curriculum and developmentally appropriate practices; explain venues and value of parent involvement and school/community interaction; and use evaluation data in ECE program planning.
Major topics include ECE Effective Leadership; ECE Administration – Organizational Structures; Legal and Fiscal Responsibilities of the ECE Administrator; ECE Programs: Safety and Nutrition Guidelines; Developing, Equipping, and Staffing the ECE Classroom; HRM in ECE; Marketing, Recruiting, and Public Relations; ECE Quality Curriculum; ECE – Family and Community Partnerships; and ECE Program Evaluation.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Education, Child Development, Human Development, Psychology, Social Work, Family Studies, Special Education, or Elementary Education (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify factors that influence child development; examine collaboration based on bioecological and developmental theories; compare family engagement models and standards from a historical perspective; describe examples of school-based programs that promote family engagement; evaluate the roles and benefits for the different stakeholders in family–school collaborations; identify and explain strategies that build collaborative relationship with families and wider community; examine how effective teacher leaders communicate successfully; identify the effective skills that are necessary for professionals within ECE to work collaboratively; explain how to create pathways for family engagement that build social-emotional skills; discuss culturally responsive pedagogy in the context of families; explore the diversity of family structures and the diversity of beliefs around parenting and child rearing; identify current trends within the diversity of families; investigate resources that help families; explain challenges faced by children and their families and identify warning signs; and describe the requirements and procedures for reporting.
Major topics include: the social context of ECE; the importance of family and community partnerships; effective partnership guidelines and strategies; communication; development of social-emotional skills; social-emotional challenges; diversity; and family challenges.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Family and Community Partnership in Early Childhood Education, Home, School, and Community Relations, Families, Communities, and Schools, Family and Community Engagement in Early Childhood Education, Partnerships with Families and Communities, Community and Family Dynamics in Early Childhood Education, or Family Involvement in Education (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe developmentally appropriate teaching strategies for promoting wellness; describe how wellness impacts learning; explain malnutrition and identify nutritional issues that impact children; define nutrition and design a lesson incorporating the dietary guidelines for good nutrition; list food-safety regulations and identify the hazards associated with food-borne illnesses; design an emergency food plan; describe the nutritional needs of infants, toddlers and preschoolers and children with special health-care needs; identify factors that impact health and illness; list resources needed to create health policies in ECE; define the teacher's role in reviewing health records; provide examples of common health assessments administered in ECE; describe an inclusive classroom that accommodates all children; describe factors that impact mental health; describe mental health disorders in young children and provide examples of strategies for dealing with these disorders; identify the components of a safe learning environment and describe strategies for teaching young children about safety; describe routines for establishing and maintaining safety in the classroom; describe how to prepare for and respond to an emergency; describe the basic care needed for common injuries; describe the actions needed to be taken in the event of a disaster; and describe strategies for helping children cope with emergencies and disasters.
Major topics include promoting wellness; foundations of nutrition; managing food safety; feeding infants and young children; creating a climate of health and wellness; health screening and assessment; teaching children with special health care needs; children's mental health; creating a safe environment; routines, supervision and classroom strategies; managing emergencies. Prerequisite: one course in Child Development or Foundations of ECE.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Health Safety and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education, Health Education, Nutrition, Education or Early Childhood Education (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the correlation between play and creativity; discuss theories that provide an evidence base for emphasizing creative arts; identify the teacher's role in optimizing creative potential; explain how children learn through play; identify the developmental sequences for different types of play; explain the concept of 'art as a language' and describe the basic tenets of the Reggio Emilia philosophy; define visual art; explain how process art enhances social and emotional development; describe the ways in which music, movement and dance enhance development; discuss strategies for accommodating diverse learners; explain the theory and research of drama and describe its impact on learning and development; design strategies for teaching and assessing drama; describe theoretical perspectives on identifying talent and giftedness; explain performance assessment and describe how it can be used to facilitate creativity; describe the influence of culture and society on creativity; describe the theory of multiple intelligences and explain how it pertains to teaching creativity to the diverse learner; describe theories and research that support a creative learning environment; plan appropriate environments for the creative development of all learners; identify age-appropriate materials and list types of materials that enhance a creative learning environment; and explain how technology and media enhance the development of play and creativity.
Major topics include correlation between play, creativity and arts-based learning; foundations of creative thought; supporting children's play, games and creativity; promoting children's art; music, movement and dance; drama; assessment; diverse learners; the creative learning environment; materials and resources; and technology and media. Prerequisite: One course in Child Development or Foundations of Early Childhood Education.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Child Development, Educational Psychology, Creative Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Art Education, Music Education, Drama/Theatre in Education, Developmental Psychology, Special Education, or Education Studies (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify the components of an effective classroom for literacy development in early childhood; describe theories of child development and how they relate to literacy; identify the approaches to literacy instruction; explain the role of literacy assessment in early childhood classrooms; define literacy standards and discuss the tools used to measure them; describe ways of teaching children with diverse needs; explain the stages of language development; identify and apply appropriate strategies for enhancing language development in infants and toddlers; describe strategies that promote conversational growth; explain the importance of learning the alphabet and describe methods and strategies for teaching it and for deciphering new words; define phonological awareness and develop activities that promote and assess it; differentiate between types of texts and describe strategies for developing comprehension in each; describe strategies for developing, improving and assessing fluency and comprehension; explain the importance of using different types of literature and develop activities that enhance literature appreciation among young learners; describe strategies for increasing motivation; describe how technology can be integrated into the literacy curriculum; and explain how dramatic play enhances literacy development in young children.
Major topics include exemplary literacy classrooms in early childhood; foundations of literacy; assessing children's literacy and literacy readiness; teaching students with diverse needs; language development in infancy and toddlerhood; language development in young children; emergent literacy; phonological awareness and phonics instruction; developing comprehension and fluency; choosing and using appropriate children's literature in the classroom; creating a conducive learning environment for literacy development. Prerequisite: Child Development or Foundations of ECE course; Methodology or Education course.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education Literacy Instruction, Literacy Education, Reading Instruction, Curriculum and Instruction, or Language and Literacy Development (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: observe and identify the mathematical value evident in children's play; describe the theories and stages of mathematical development; implement strategies for incorporating meaningful learning into the mathematics curriculum; describe the importance of early mathematics in knowledge society; design a lesson plan that incorporates technology and creativity; define the 8 common core mathematical practices and provide examples of how to use each in the ECE setting; assess developmentally appropriate strategies for teaching and assessing counting and number skills; illustrate how children problem solve and execute basic operations; design lesson plans incorporating strategies that promote and assess spatial awareness and geometric thought; discuss how measurement, estimation and data-gathering impact future mathematical success and analyze strategies for promoting and assessing them; describe how the understanding of patterns leads to future algebraic thought; describe strategies for promoting and assessing the understanding of patterns and algebra; analyze what constitutes a developmentally appropriate and conducive learning environment; identify the state and NAEYC learning standards for mathematical instruction among young learners; apply and evaluate strategies for teaching math to diverse learners; and describe ways in which to assess the overall mathematical knowledge and skills of young children.
Major topics include early mathematical development and supportive developmental theories; emergent mathematical thinking; creativity, technology and math; common core mathematical practices; number skills, counting and operations; spatial awareness and geometric thought; measurement and data; patterns and algebra; creating a conducive environment for mathematical development; the special-needs child; and assessment of children's mathematical abilities. Prerequisite: one course in Child Development or Foundations of Early Childhood Education.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education Mathematics instruction, Elementary Education, Mathematics Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Psychology, Special Education, Child Development, Teacher Education, Education Studies, or STEM Education (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe and apply the fundamentals of the learning process; discuss and apply the structure of Bloom’s taxonomy in lesson design; discuss and apply modern theories of education including Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence, Tomlinson and Differentiated Instruction; and plan and implement all aspects of instruction in the elementary school classroom.
Major topics include desirable teacher traits; theories of learning; relevant aspects of students background knowledge and experiences; designing a lesson plan; teaching strategies; differentiated learning; Bloom’s Taxonomy; Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence; group learning and micro-teaching assessment; evaluation; and record keeping and grading.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Introduction to Methodology, Research Methods in Education, Introduction to Research Methods, Foundations of Research Methodology, Research Design and Methodology, Introduction to Social Science Research Methods, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Methods of Inquiry, Educational Research Methods, Basic Research Methods, or Methodological Approaches in Social Sciences (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe effective strategies for fostering strong communication channels between educators and families to support student learning and behavior; establish clear objectives for classroom management that align with educational goals and promote a conducive learning environment; explain emotional and social needs of children and design social skills training that help students develop essential interpersonal and conflict-resolution skills; outline, develop and apply preventive measures in managing classroom behavior; demonstrate effective problem-solving methods to constructively address individual or group conflicts and behavioral issues within the classroom; analyze classroom environment and design strategies for cultivating an inclusive, supportive, and conducive classroom atmosphere for learning; discuss emotional and social needs of children and apply this information to their lesson planning; and execute effective classroom management strategies.
Major topics include fundamentals of classroom dynamics; understanding children’s behavior and their emotional and social needs; effective classroom management and home-school communication.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Classroom Management, Effective Classroom Strategies, Managing Learning Environments, Classroom Leadership and Organization, Behavior and Classroom Dynamics, Classroom Culture and Management, Strategies for Classroom Control, Classroom Discipline and Engagement, Managing Student Behavior, Creating Positive Learning Environments, or Classroom Climate and Management Techniques (8/24).
Judaic Studies - Maalot College
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: summarize Ramchal’s formulation of essential concepts of Jewish philosophy; illustrate the influence of his formulations on contemporary discussions; recognize and analyze the theological and ethical ideas expressed in Ramchal’s writings as they appear in other works of Jewish thought; compare and contrast the Ramchal’s ideas with other works of Jewish thought. By preparing the primary texts, students demonstrate their ability to crystallize the central theme of classic and modern Jewish philosophical works.
Major topics include History of the Ramchal; the Ramchal’s systematic overview of how to learn Jewish theology – the objectives, the words, according to the Ramchal; the purpose of creation; self-improvement as the means to come close to G-d; the body and the soul; man before and after the first sin; the material and the spiritual; ways to serve G-d; Shedim; the Neshama; sleep; the influence of the spiritual world on this world and the influence of the world on the spiritual world; the Sefirot; G-d’s providence; the world-to-come; punishment for misdeeds in the world-to-come and different spiritual levels in the world-to-come; special providence over man; trials; the reason(s) for suffering; success of the wicked; reincarnations and the unique role of each individual; the status of non-Jews in this world and in the next; the generations after the first sin; exile; how G-d orchestrates what happens; the heavenly courts; Rosh Hashana; the influence of the stars; astrologers; G-d’s judgement and His mercy; four stages of humanity; different types of mitzvos; Emunah and bitachon; instilling bitachon; hishtadlus; lishma and lo lishma; internal and external motivation; menuchas hanefesh; structure of Mesillas Yesharim; daas Torah; and revealing G-d in this world. Topics may vary.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Jewish Philosophy, Religious Studies, or Ethics (8/24).
Math - Maalot College
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define the concept of limits; calculate limits of functions; compute derivatives; determine derivatives of trigonometric functions; graph using derivatives; evaluate derivatives of functions defined through composition of functions; and solve verbal problems including related rates, max-min, and rectilinear motion.
Major topics include limits, derivatives, graphs using limits and derivatives, and verbal applications that use derivatives.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Mathematics or Calculus (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: read, interpret and write presentations using logical mathematical symbols; write proofs of truth value of propositions, using inference rules and axioms of logic; use set theory to explain mathematical logic involving collections of objects as units; discuss the concept of algorithms as processes to solve problems; solve a recurrence relation; tell whether a function is injective or subjective; define functions explicitly and recursively; calculate probabilities using counting rules, combinations and permutations; write proofs relating number of vertices and number of edges in a tree; write proofs related to connectedness of graphs; and find shortest path in a graph; show isomorphism.
Major topics include logic, binary system, sets, functions, relations, equivalence relations, deduction, induction, recursion, algorithms in pseudo-code, matrices, probability, graphs, connectedness, trees, paths, circuits, isomorphism.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Mathematics (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: organize a given data set in frequency distributions and graphs; calculate all standard statistics; use simple probability notions; solve normal and binomial distribution problems; and use confidence intervals, measures of association, and statistical tests appropriately for inference to the population.
Major topics include measurement scales, sources of data, descriptive statistics, data display, univariate measure of location and variability, basic probability, normal curve and applications; correlation and regression, inferential statistics, probability theory, binomial distribution; and Parametric and nonparametric tests of significant difference.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Statistics or Mathematics (8/24).
Psychology - Maalot College
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify principles of Biopsychology and connect the fundamentals of the relationship between the brain and behavior in terms of how the brain mediates behavior, cognition, and emotion; and describe the structure and function of the nervous system, of the sensory and motor systems, on learning and behavior, and on neurological dysfunction and its causes and form hypotheses for certain behaviors citing supporting evidence from research methodology in Biopsychology.
Major topics include research methodology in Biopsychology; structure and function of the nervous system, of the sensory and motor systems on learning and behavior and on neurological dysfunction and its causes; subdivisions of Neuropsychology; scientific methods; critical thinking; anatomy of the nervous system; neural conduction; synaptic transmissions; research methods of Biopsychology; pharmacological research; genetic engineering; biopsychological patterns of animal behavior; visual system, sensory system; somatosensory system; chemical senses; sensorimotor system; brain damage and neuroplasticity; sleep; emotion; and psychiatric disorders.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: distinguish between biological, physiological, behavioral and cognitive influences in Psychology, major personality theories, and mental health/illness, and social influences upon people.
Major topics include biological bases of behavior, perception, learning and memory; problem- solving; mental health; Psychological development; and Social Psychology.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the physiology of conception, prenatal development and birth; identify theories of cognitive development and psychosocial development; identify and define the physical capabilities and health needs of humans throughout childhood; list the stages of language development and make an initial assessment of language and developmental delays; draw conclusions from the interaction between social and cultural context and genetic factors; explain the importance of and connect the role of attachment and parenting styles on psychosocial adjustment.
Major topics include theory and research on physical, cognitive emotional and social development from birth through middle childhood; Piaget’s theory; Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development and language and intellectual development.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: isolate and describe different aspects of inherent complexities in the teaching process; identify personal biases and definitions of a teacher, student and classroom; summarize and apply contemporary cognitive theories and information processing models; describe theories of motivation and learning theories and their application to classroom management; devise and utilize behavioral objectives in support of a teaching task and construct taxonomies of objectives; assess and effectively relate to pupil variability in terms of stage theories of normal development and typical age-level characteristics; and describe and construct different means of evaluating classroom learning.
Major topics include theoretical perspectives and research pertinent to education and educational experience; classroom teaching and how different children develop, interact, and learn within various educational settings; and psychological evaluation of classroom learning and school achievement.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: explain design, and evaluate experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research; apply ethical principles and practices in conducting research with human and non-human subjects; recognize and describe the value of the scientific method, research ethics, research design, experimental control, sampling and generalization; conduct hypothesis testing and statistical analysis; review journal articles; design an original experiment; and complete an APA-style research project.
Major topics include construction and evaluation of experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research; the scientific method; research ethics; research design; experimental control; sampling and generalization; hypothesis testing; and statistical significance.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define and structure the counseling situation; identify the elements of effective helping; conduct initial, fact-finding interviews for a mental-status examination; use the Egan model of helping and problem-solving; effectively use the self in the counseling process; explain and apply Roger’s theory of counseling; apply specific skills that facilitate good communication; and address problematic clients who are hostile and resistant to counseling.
Major topics include the nature of helping relationships; goals in counseling skills and techniques; ethics in counseling; and components of effective helping in a theoretical as well as a practical framework.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify and describe historical perspectives toward abnormal behavior; recognize and describe current trends and perspectives in understanding and treating mental illness; identify and describe causes and treatments for major DSM-V classifications of abnormal behavior - their causes, manifestations and treatment (stress-related disorders, anxiety disorders, OCD related disorders, psychosomatic disorders, personality disorders, addictive disorders, psychoses, organic disorders, eating disorders, mood disorders, suicide, and developmental disorders of childhood); compare the psychoanalytic, biological and cognitive-behavioral and social cultural theories about mental illness and match and apply the major forms treatment available today; independently locate sources of information about mental illness; and empathize with a person experiencing mental illness.
Major topics include historical perspectives; major psychiatric (DSM-V) categories, causes and treatment; and the four major therapeutic orientations: Psychoanalytical, Biological, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Social Cultural.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the development and identify the theoretical underpinnings of each major personality theory and its major contributors; compare and contrast the major personality theories and explain how they have shaped contemporary modern personality psychology; and evaluate early and contemporary research findings and assess their influence on contemporary personality theory.
Major topics include the nature of theoretical paradigms; major personality theories; development of normal and abnormal behavior; and historical influences on the development of various personality theories.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define Social Psychology; compare and contrast Social Psychology with other disciplines; formulate an overview of the major theoretical perspectives characterizing Social Psychology; and apply the concepts of how social settings shape human behavior.
Major topics include introduction to research and theory in Social Psychology; human processing of social information; social influence, persuasion and attitude change; social interaction and group phenomena; and the application of social psychological knowledge to current social problems.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the history and importance of inclusive education; define and apply the laws and legislation pertaining to students with special needs; analyze diagnostic procedures; read and interpret IEPs; describe the specific exceptionalities presented and identify their symptoms as manifested in the classroom; distinguish the causative factors of learning exceptionality; and match intervention strategies and specific classroom management techniques in an inclusive classroom.
Major topics include introduction to the study of exceptional children; laws and legislation regarding individuals with special needs and early intervention; regular education initiatives; learning disabilities; mental retardation; attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders; speech and language disorders; Autistic spectrum disorder; hearing impairment and visual impairment; emotional and behavioral disorders; physical disabilities and giftedness and the incidence of these phenomena; Etiology; diagnosis and treatment; behavior management and intervention in the inclusive classroom.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Psychology (8/24).