Maalot College | Evaluated Learning Experience
ECE202 Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs
135 hours (15 weeks).
September 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify and evaluate skills of a successful ECE program administrator; examine various forms and components of ECE organizational structures; apply ECE standards of quality practice to program planning and design; describe and analyze various types of ECE licensing regulations and their specific purposes; apply knowledge of health and safety standards to the set-up of a developmentally appropriate, safe and healthy ECE environment; identify and explain criteria for choosing ECE facility and program equipment; analyze ECE program practices and procedures for personnel; identify effective marketing and public relations strategies for ECE; evaluate ECE curriculum and developmentally appropriate practices; explain venues and value of parent involvement and school/community interaction; and use evaluation data in ECE program planning.
Major topics include ECE Effective Leadership; ECE Administration – Organizational Structures; Legal and Fiscal Responsibilities of the ECE Administrator; ECE Programs: Safety and Nutrition Guidelines; Developing, Equipping, and Staffing the ECE Classroom; HRM in ECE; Marketing, Recruiting, and Public Relations; ECE Quality Curriculum; ECE – Family and Community Partnerships; and ECE Program Evaluation.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Education, Child Development, Human Development, Psychology, Social Work, Family Studies, Special Education, or Elementary Education (8/24).