Inactive Learning Experiences - Camphill Academy
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
300 hours over ten months.
September 2012 - October 2020.
Upon successful completion, students will be able to: safely manage a workshop independently; explore ways of accompanying the workplace meditatively; consider and develop ways to maintain and enliven the work life of participants, in close cooperation with the mentor; implement considerations arising from annual review reports with support from mentor; communicate with other workshop leaders, therapists, houseparents and participant regarding individual program and needs; plan, oversee and lead the program over an extended period of time with guidance and support from workshop leader; review and participate in the annual review process for each participant; participate in biography meetings and personal planning meetings, contributing significant observations; and reflect and assess the strenghts and weaknesses of ones own work.
This practicum is integral to the third year social therapy curriculum and offers opportunities to practice social therapy in the context of living and working in a community including others with developmental disabilities. Concurrently, it complements coursework in Human Being III, Social Therapy II and Social Therapy Project III, as well as coursework in the arts. This course lays the foundation for work in the fourthy year, especially for Human Being IV, the Practicum concentration and Final Project.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Social Therapy, Human Services, or Special Education (11/15).