34 hours (variable - over several weeks).
Curative Education Program, Glenmoore, PA.
September 2006 - August 2007.
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
This course consists of exercises in eurythmy, reflective conversations and presentations by the instructor. Participants are encouraged to enter into the experience of speech, tone and movement and become aware of their qualities and effects, both in the lesson and in the world around them. Students are introduced to, and practice the following elements and principles of eurythmy: contraction and expansion, slow walking, hygienic pedagogical forms and exercises, review of the Waldorf eurythmy curriculum for grades K-8, experiencing the Waldorf eurythmy curriculum for grades 9-12, the "soul gestures," exploring the Apollonian element of eurythmy; the "Hallelujah," the signs of the Zodiac and their qualities.