Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc.
Catholic Charities (and its affiliates), an NCCRS member since May 1999, seek to create a community of caring among staff in all programs in order to alleviate human misery and promote a social order which enhances human development. The Caritas Training Center for Early Child Care and Education focuses on the Montessori Approach in offering a two-year integrated curriculum of child development concepts and their practical application in the Infant-6 years classrooms. Through a wide variety of activities and experiences, students cover practical life and sensorial education, mathematical qualitative thinking, language and literacy emergence, concepts and skills of science, social studies, art, music, and movement. Dr. Maria Montessori's method and philosophy of child development are compared with the findings of modern brain research and with the ideas of other Early Childhood theorists. Trainees develop knowledge and experience in the Montessori Approach which, far beyond the supervised internship, enriches classroom management, enhances lives, and aids in the development of effective problem-solving skills in themselves and their students.
Students and admissions representatives please note: NCCRS does not provide transcripts. Transcript requests and inquiries should be directed to the organization offering the courses, examinations or apprenticeship. See the Source of Official Student Records contact information on the top right of this page.
Source of Official Student Records
Titles of all evaluated learning experiences
Course Categories
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
Teacher Training Program
- Formerly Classroom Management [250]
- Formerly Cultural Subjects: Science, Geography, History, Music, Art (280)
- Formerly Formerly Cultural Subjects Science, Geography, History, Music, Art (280)
45 hours (6 weeks) plus additional pre-recorded video content.
January 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: classify language development materials into five different areas: writing, language patterning, phonetic analysis, age-appropriate literature/drama/poetry, and grammar; create language materials for the infant and preschool classroom and adapt materials for children of different levels of development; create original Montessori lessons and present in a classroom setting utilizing Montessori principles; and demonstrate proficiency using materials in supervised practice via individual presentations and testing.
Major topics include language philosophy and methodology, oral language overview and Montessori lessons, writing overview and Montessori lessons, reading overview and Montessori lessons, parts of speech overview and Montessori lessons, and practical application of lessons in the classroom.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Education, or Montessori Education (5/23).
- Formerly Math and Language: Materials and Methods for the Pre-School Montessori Classroom (260)
45 hours (6 weeks) plus additional pre-recorded video content.
February 2023 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: exhibit the correct use of math manipulatives for preschoolers through hands-on experience with materials; explain the importance of the "'control of error" in the development of the ''mathematical mind;" classify different areas of math skills and order the steps of learning in the presentations; create original Montessori lessons and present in a classroom setting utilizing Montessori principles; show evidence of proficiency in using the materials through supervised practice and individual presentations for the class; and exhibit proficiency in using the materials through supervised practice and individual presentations for the class and testing.
Major topics include Montessori Math philosophy and methodology, numbers to ten overview and Montessori lessons, decimal system overview and Montessori lessons, the four operations overview and Montessori lessons, teens, tens and hundreds overview and Montessori lessons, memorization overview and Montessori lessons, and practical application of Montessori math lessons in the classroom.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Education, or Montessori Education (5/23).
- Formerly Practical Life and Sensorial Materials (180)
Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Montessori Education (6/00) (8/06 revalidation) (11/11 revalidation) (11/16 revalidation). Version 2: In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Montessori Education (5/23 revalidation).
45 hours (6 weeks) plus additional pre-recorded video content.
November 2022 – Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: show evidence that they support children's development in sensorial skills of matching, sorting, grading, and exploration of the five senses through the use of concrete manipulative materials; research and create materials that are age-appropriate for infant and preschool children; create original Montessori lessons and present in a classroom setting utilizing Montessori principles; develop proficiency in using the materials through supervised practice and individual presentations for the class; discuss the subject through practicum and testing; and demonstrate proficiency using the material in supervised practice and via individual presentation and testing.
Major topics include Sensorial Philosophy and Methodology, The Three Period Lesson; Visual Learning Overview and Montessori Lessons; Tactile Overview and Montessori Lessons, Auditory Overview and Montessori Lessons, Olfactory Overview and Montessori Lessons, Practical Application of Sensorial Montessori Lessons in the Classroom.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Education, or Montessori Education (5/23).
Teacher Training Program - Inactive Courses
- Now listed as: Language: Materials and Methods for the Montessori Classroom (261) AND
- Math: Materials and Methods for the Montessori Classroom (262)
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, or Montessori Education (8/06) (11/11 revalidation) (11/16 revalidation). NOTE: See separate exhibits for Language: Materials and Methods for the Montessori Classroom (261) AND Math: Materials and Methods for the Montessori Classroom(262).
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Education, Sociology, Human Services, Early Childhood, Psychology or Montessori Education (8/06) (11/11 revalidation) (11/16 revalidation).