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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience

Curriculum and Resource Guide for Infants and Toddlers - Birth to Three Years (170)


 45 hours (8 weeks).

Various child care facilities associated with the Caritas Training Center.

November 2008 - June 2021. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: demonstrate awareness of the importance of early care; train staff to provide that care, aid staff in understanding the changing needs of infants, mobile infants, and toddlers and to provide resources to maintain a high quality of care for these stages of growth; define and recognize the developmental landmarks of physical, social, cognitive, and linguistic development of children from birth to three; identify the goals and objectives for working with infants and toddlers and how these practices can influence development; prepare and furnish an appropriate infant/toddler learning environment; explore and define theories of child development from birth to three years of age and identify what to expect from children as they travel through the various stages of development; appreciate the importance of bonding, attachment, trust, routines, consistency, and flexibility when caring for infants and toddlers; observe and record observations; utilize a variety of observation tools and apply them to enhance the development of infants and toddlers through the environment and lesson planning; identify "red flags" (children at risk of not meeting age-appropriate milestones) and identify necessary steps to provide early intervention services for those children; identify, handle, and monitor safety concerns in an infant/toddler indoor and outdoor environment; and examine various health and nutrition guidelines and requirements of infants and toddlers.


This course serves as a manual of operation for caregivers and covers three areas: overview of the developmental needs of the infant and toddler as a guide for the caregiver; manual for design and preparation of the infant and toddler environments; and a resource for the requirements and recommendations for the health, safety, and nutrition of infants and toddlers.  The course provides staff with interactive activities through group discussions and writings to build their own knowledge. Various topics include: effects of brain research in the improved understanding of physical development, cognition, and language; best practices in how to engage infants and toddlers in learning games of interactive parent/caregiver and child activities; safety issues of environmental design; principles of adaptation in providing practical life and sensorial materials for these age groups; dental health; toilet training; immunizations, illnesses of young children; nutrition; feeding skills; food preparation; allergies; obesity; toddler schedule (the journey to independence); classroom management; lesson plans; observation and recording skills; developmental guidelines and signs of disorders; developmental screenings; progress reports; parent communication; National Health and Safety Standards; Early Head Start Performance Standards and Day Care checklists.  Exercises include: group work, quizzes, homework, design of infant and toddler environments, readings and discussions of articles, videos, and presentations of the Montessori Environment.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Montessori Early Childhood Education (8/10) (11/15 revalidation).
