Business and Accounting - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Allied Health - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Business and Accounting - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Communications - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Computers and Technology - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Counseling and Social Work - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Culinary and Hospitality - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Education - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- English - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Exercise Science - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Fashion Merchandising - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- History and Political Science - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Judaic Studies - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Language - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Mathematics - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Miscellaneous - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Nutrition - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Psychology and Sociology - Coopersmith Career Consulting
- Science - Coopersmith Career Consulting
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2022 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: outline the role, purpose, and importance of an accounting information system; describe the meaning of risk assessment and explain how they affect accounting roles; identify the standard internal controls and discuss how to apply them to an accounting information system; describe the appropriate internal controls that will reduce risk within an Organization; and summarize the relationship between ethics and decision making.
Accounting Information Systems (ACC-500) is a graduate-level course designed to further the students' knowledge of accounting information systems and their role in the accounting world. Several topics will be discussed, including the life cycle of software development, emerging technology, internal controls, information system auditing, hardware, software, e-commerce, and the role of information systems.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business, Accounting Information Systems, or Financial Accounting (2/22).
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2022 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: outline the role, purpose, and importance of an accounting information system; describe the meaning of risk assessment and explain how they affect accounting roles; identify the standard internal controls and discuss how to apply them to an accounting information system; describe the appropriate internal controls that will reduce risk within an Organization; and summarize the relationship between ethics and decision making.
Accounting Information Systems (ACC-500) is a graduate-level course designed to further the students' knowledge of accounting information systems and their role in the accounting world. Several topics will be discussed, including the life cycle of software development, emerging technology, internal controls, information system auditing, hardware, software, e-commerce, and the role of information systems.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business, Accounting Information Systems, or Financial Accounting (2/22).
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
December 2021 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: compare and contrast the accounting standards framework, international accounting standards, and generally accepted accounting principles for documenting business financial activities; describe the accounting theory and principles utilized in development of proposed accounting recognition and reporting; analyze a financial report utilizing the current and proposed GAAP and explain the decision usefulness of the information; and discuss academic research in accounting and its usefulness incorporating an understanding of the foundation of accounting (the rules, theories and concepts that define what accounting is and what it is becoming.
Accounting Research and Communication is a graduate-level course designed to further students' knowledge of effective accounting research and reporting. This course evaluates the elements of accounting theories and their implications. Accounting policy, research, and standard setting are examined. The course integrates recognition, reporting, analysis, theory, and guidance codification as it pertains to comprehensive financial accounting information as well as other topics concerning financial statement preparation and presentation.
In the graduate degree category, 4 semester hours in Accounting Research, Accounting, or Business Administration (6/22).
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
December 2021 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: outline the six sequential steps in financial statement analysis; analyze, interpret, and use financial statements; apply financial analysis tools, methods, and techniques to analyze a company's profitability; evaluate the quality of income statement and balance sheet information; and discuss the three valuation models.
Advanced Accounting prepares students to analyze, interpret, and use financial statements effectively, both from a general manager and from an investor perspective. The course reviews and extend the topics introduced in Accounting and Financial Reporting, with an emphasis on value creation. Specifically, the course introduces a thorough framework for financial statement analysis, focusing on (1) accounting analysis, (2) financial (ratio and cash flow) analysis, and (3) prospective (forecasting and valuation) analysis.
In the upper division degree category, 4 semester hours in Accounting, Advanced Accounting, or Business administration (6/22).
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
May 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: explain the various theories and concepts concerning a drawing; summarize the techniques and discuss how audits exercise professional judgement and professional skepticism; describe audit issues in a business setting; outline the characteristics of a team player in an audit environment; explain the role that auditing plays in business organizations and in the economy; summarize basic auditing concepts: client acceptance and continuance, engagement planning, risk identification and containment, sampling, controls evaluation and testing, substantive testing, concluding the engagement and reporting; list AICPA and PCAOB professional standards; explain the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and its application to the auditing profession; and describe the other than audit attestation services.
Advanced Auditing provides an intensive study of professional conduct, auditing standards, auditor’s liability, reports, and internal auditing. The course focuses on advanced auditing principles as related to publicly traded organizations, the general public, and the audit firm in general. The importance of ethical accounting practices will be emphasized throughout the course.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business, or Business Administration (5/23).
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
April 2024 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: develop a comprehensive understanding of major decision-making areas within managerial finance and selected topics in financial theory; cultivate the ability to make informed decisions regarding investment and financing policies within firms, utilizing both theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence; apply theoretical concepts learned in lectures to real-world financial situations through case studies and practical exercises; evaluate financial decisions and assess their implications on firm value and performance; and analyze and evaluate financial theories, models, and empirical evidence to make sound financial decisions.
Advanced Corporate Finance is an undergraduate course designed to explore the fundamental decision-making areas of managerial finance and explores selected topics in financial theory. Students explore both theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence pertaining to investment and financing policies within firms. Emphasis is placed on developing decision-making skills applicable to these domains. Topics include leasing, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, financial planning, and working capital management.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business, Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Economics, or Administration (4/24).
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
April 2024 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: evaluate ethical frameworks of professionals and paraprofessionals within students’ own discipline and affiliated disciplines; articulate necessary steps to lead in an ethical manner in their professions and as citizens in a highly complex global environment; examine the intersects of diversity, culture, and organizational environment on the emergence of ethical issues and ethical decision-making; recommend sustainable solutions for ethical issues in their disciplines; and apply leadership techniques in various roles and across disciplines for the benefit of organizations.
This graduate course offers a comprehensive exploration of ethical leadership through an interdisciplinary lens. Ethical leadership is a critical aspect of effective management and governance in various sectors including business, government, non-profit organizations, and academia. Drawing upon insights from philosophy, psychology, sociology, organizational behavior, and political science, this course delves into the complexities of ethical decision-making and leadership in contemporary society. Students engage with foundational theories of ethics, examining concepts such as virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism, and ethical relativism with emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives enabling students to understand how factors such as culture, power dynamics, social norms, and institutional structures influence ethical leadership. Special attention is given to the intersectionality of leadership, considering issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business or Leadership (4/24).
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
December 2021 - Present.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: perform basic data analyze and understand analyze performed by others; select and use the appropriate statistical techniques for analyzing data; and apply statistical reasoning to make data-driven decisions.
Applied Managerial Statistics is a graduate-level course designed to expand students’ knowledge of data analytics. This course enables students to leverage data, analyze data, and interpret results and make data-driven decisions.
In the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Applied Statistics, Managerial Statistics, Business Statistics, Business Analytics, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, or Mathematics (6/22).
Varies (self-study; self-paced).
March 2021 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: describe the facts, frameworks, and theories used in completing an audit; apply technical knowledge to analyze data and answer questions about the financial statement information; discuss the values that a licensed auditor must possess; detail the steps and tasks necessary to complete an audit; and contrast independence, objectivity, professional skepticism, and ethical behavior when conducting a high-quality audit.
Auditing of Financial Statements (ACC-375) is designed to provide knowledge about the theory and practice of financial statement auditing. Auditing is an assurance service used to provide better quality information to the company's various decision-makers. This course provides information about the judgments commonly made by auditors when it comes to issuing an audit report. This course yields knowledge about how external audits provide the credibility necessary for financial statements to add value in the capital markets.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business, Accounting, Auditing, or as a general elective (5/21).
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
May 2023 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: explain the purpose of business research as a management tool in the real world; define research questions based on challenges or dilemmas faced by managers and business owners; develop research hypotheses to address challenges business owns and managers face, and develop appropriate research design to reflect the research hypotheses; evaluate the quality and characteristics of primary data; describe the importance of a statistical and descriptive analyses; and discuss scientific research-based oral and written reports.
Business and Accounting Research is an undergraduate-level course designed to further students' knowledge of effective business and accounting research and reporting. The course teaches students basics of business research and how to use that research to solve business problems.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Management, Marketing Public Administration or Political Science (5/23).