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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Criminal Justice - Advanced (1890)

Course Category: 
NOCTI and NBS proctored test centers throughout the United States.
September 2012 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Students will be able to: identify and describe the organization, operation, and processes of the criminal justice system components; identify problems that keep the system from functioning effectively and efficiently; identify the procedures an offender undergoes in his or her progression through the system from arrest through trial; identify courtroom procedures; demonstrate knowledge of the philosophical, historical, and evolutionary back ground of the American criminal justice system; summarize the major theoretical factors and forces assumed to cause adult and juvenile crime; define relevant criminal justice models; define relevant criminal justice terms; demonstrate understanding of the criminal justice system through the processes of detection, apprehension, prosecution, and corrections; define juvenile delinquency and status offenders; describe career pathways in the criminal justice areas; define the exclusionary rule and the different exceptions to the rule; name and describe relevant court cases (e.g., Miranda versus Arizona, Mapp versus Ohio); describe searches with and without warrants (e.g., consent); demonstrate understanding of arrest with and without a warrant; display knowledge of the intent of the Fourth Amendment; define the terms of arrest, stops, and non-stops; explain investigative techniques used in solving crimes; explain the investigative process in relation to crime scene and evidence handling; explain the necessity for and the methods for marking and preserving evidence; identify the necessity for and importance of crime scene protection; identify the purpose of evidence and describe types of evidence; define sufficiency of evidence; demonstrate understanding of the legal procedures for securing admissions and confessions; display knowledge of the chain of custody of evidence and submission protocols; demonstrate an understanding of the philosophy and purpose of the interview and the interrogation; explain the investigative process in relation to interview and interrogation; identify the definitions and commonly used terms related to interviews and interrogations; describe the legal aspects of and restrictions in the handling of interviews and interrogations; explain the Miranda decision and the Miranda warning; demonstrate understanding of the relevant Constitutional amendments; describe the warnings and approaches used in special situations, including juveniles and persons under the influence; demonstrate understanding of the purpose of the Constitution; list the commonly used terms associated with the Constitution; demonstrate understanding the Amendments as they relate to the criminal justice system; identify the role and purpose of law in society, and the origin of modern criminal law in America; explain how burden of proof relates to a criminal proceeding; explain the differences between criminal law and civil law, and proceedings; identify the difference between procedural and substantive due process; identify the legal elements of crimes, legal defenses in criminal law, and related concepts; discuss the implications of constitutional, case and statutory law, and their relationships to the criminal justice system; describe writs of habeas corpus and subpoenas; describe differences between federal, state, and local ordinance; describe important aspects of seeking employment in the criminal justice field (e.g., documents that may be required when applying, disqualifiers for jobs in the criminal justice field); describe importance of community relations programs; discuss impact of internal and external controls on criminal justice professionals, issues and ethics in law enforcement and corrections; and outline issues and ethics in courts.


NOCTI and NBS exams assess individuals' end-of-program knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format. In addition, some programs administer a NOCTI/NBS performance component test to assess application of skills.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Criminal Justice (5/12) (12/16 revalidation) (11/18 revalidation) (11/23 revalidation). NOTE: The title Advanced in this case is useful for NOCTI purposes only and does not imply comparability to an upper level or advanced college course.
