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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

NOCTI and Nocti Business Solutions (NBS) | Evaluated Learning Experience

Plant Systems – West Virginia Customized Test (8994)

Course Category: 


NOCTI proctored test centers throughout West Virginia. This assessment is not available through Nocti Business Solutions.

September 2019 - Present. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Demonstrate understanding of agribusiness (e.g., SAE, expenses); Demonstrate understanding of animal systems (e.g., breeds of livestock, anatomy); Demonstrate understanding of agriculture innovation and technology; Demonstrate understanding of food products and processing (e.g., protein sources, food preservation); Demonstrate understanding of natural resources (e.g., renewable resources); Demonstrate understanding of plant systems (e.g., plant parts, processes, soil); Demonstrate understanding of power, structural, and technical systems (e.g., measurement); Demonstrate knowledge of leadership development through FFA (e.g., motto, parliamentary procedure, official dress); Identify and classify plants (e.g., nomenclature, monocots); Identify major plant parts and functions (e.g., root systems, phloem, node); Demonstrate understanding of plant life cycles (e.g., pollination, seed vigor, perennial); Demonstrate understanding of photosynthesis and respiration (e.g., transpiration, functions of leaves); Demonstrate understanding of naturally occurring plant hormones and synthetic plant growth regulators (e.g., ethylene, PGR); Identify essential nutrients for plant growth and development (e.g., macro/micronutrients, phosphorous, nitrogen); Identify soil types, properties, and pH and the impact on horticultural plant production (e.g., soil triangle, aeration, pH); Demonstrate understanding of synthetic fertilizer formulations and application (e.g., amounts to apply, inorganic); Demonstrate understanding of organic matter and its role in nutrient storage and plant nutrition (e.g., manure, organic); Demonstrate understanding of propagation techniques (e.g., sexual and asexual, seed germination); Identify plant pests, disorders, and diseases (e.g., aphids, crop scouting, damping off, leaf disease); Identify pest control strategies associated with integrated pest management (e.g., lady bug, selective, post-emergent, days to harvest); Identify crops that can be produced in high tunnels; Describe low-cost season extension practices and systems (e.g., cold frames, hoop houses); Demonstrate understanding of planning and scheduling various crops based on hardiness zone (e.g., hardiness zone map, soil test); Identify emerging technology in the various plant systems industries (e.g., hybrids, biotechnology); Identify career opportunities in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in plant systems industries (e.g., floriculture, landscape, propagator); Demonstrate understanding of entrepreneurship and financial record keeping (e.g., calculate profit, crop insurance); Demonstrate understanding of value-added agriculture and direct marketing (e.g., supply vs. demand, business plan); Demonstrate understanding of sustainability (e.g., economic and environmental future).


NOCTI and NBS exams assess an individual's end-of-program knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format.  In addition, some programs administer a performance component test to assess application of skills.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Plant Systems or Introduction to Botany (10/19) (11/23 revalidation).
