UPI Study, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience
Computer Science 242: Programming in C++
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
March 2021 - Present.
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: master variables, control structures, and functions, and define the critical role of algorithms in computational problem-solving; acquire skills in pseudocode for mapping out algorithmic processes and delving into essential elements of C++ programming, such as data types, loops, and arrays; apply object-oriented programming principles to create modular and reusable code structures through classes, inheritance, and polymorphism; and critically assess memory management and pointer manipulation for real-world software development.
The course is self-paced. Instruction is delivered through online video and text lessons. Students are assessed through quizzes, assignments, and a proctored final exam. Major topics include fundamentals of computer programming; fundamentals of C++ programming; programming with branching in C++; programming using loops in C++; arrays and vectors handling text data in C++; fundamentals of functions in C++ programming; object-oriented programming with classes in C++; file handling in C++ programming; pointers and memory management in C++; and advanced concepts in C++ programming.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science, Electrical, or Computer Engineering (5/24).