UPI Study, Inc. | Evaluated Learning Experience
Computer Science 240: Programming in C
Varies (self-study, self-paced).
March 2021 - Present.
Upon the successful completion of this course, students will be able to: develop key concepts and skills for effective program development, including design, implementation, and maintenance of software systems; write, test, and debug programs proficiently, ensuring code reliability and efficiency; apply ANSI standards and coding environments in C programming to create robust programs; utilize numeric data types, variables, and relational operators effectively in various programming scenarios; implement selection structures and loop structures for efficient and logical program control flow; apply recursion and iteration for advanced problem-solving, enhancing algorithmic thinking; optimize program performance by mastering the use of pointers for efficient memory management and advanced programming techniques; and implement and manage essential data structures, such as single structures, arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and dynamically linked lists for efficient data management and algorithm implementation.
The course is self-paced. Instruction is delivered through online video and text lessons. Students are assessed through quizzes, assignments and a proctored final exam. Major topics include introduction to computer programming basics; C programming basics; programming with Selection in C; repetition in C programming; programming Functions in C; arrays, characters and strings in C programming; arrays, addresses and pointers in C programming; data files, and streams in C Programming; and data structures in C programming.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Computer Science and Electrical or Computer Engineering (5/24).