History - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Bible - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Education - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Ethics - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- History - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Jewish Music - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Jewish Philosophy- Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Languages - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Sabbath Laws - Torah Accreditation Liaison
- Talmud Studies - Torah Accreditation Liaison
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
Varies; offered as a proficiency examination or self-study format.
September 2016 - Present.
Students are required to display an in-depth knowledge of the history of the Jewish people from the establishment of the Sanhedrin in Yavna until the era of the Babylonian community. In addition to knowledge mastered for the Elementary Jewish History II exam (major Jewish leaders, the Sanhedrin, diaspora Jewry and the community in Israel, Roman emperors and subjugation, the Bar Kochba revolt, compilation of the Mishnah, the community of Babylon), students need to understand the continuation of the development of the Talmud, the periods of the Amoraim and Savoraim, their major figures and works, the development of the Gemara and the early period of the Gaonim, etc. post-destruction existence in Israel, Bar Kochba revolt, influence of Rome and its emperors, settlement in Babylon, development of the Talmud, influences of surrounding religions, etc. Students must identify themes and patterns in concerning the survival after the Churban, Roman subjugation and national rebellion, the dynamics and background behind the compilation of the Mishna, the unique nature of the nation, the Yeshivas of Bavel and the Reish Galusa, Muslim Rule and dispute and dissidents sects.
Proficiency exam: The examination is intended to measure a body of knowledge that candidates have acquired through prior learning experiences. Self-Study Format: Students are expected to master recommended readings and study guide materials. The course focuses on historical themes and patterns of the diaspora, influences of the host nations and their religions, economic and religious survival, development of the Talmud (Mishna, Gemara and Gaonim). Beyond the expectation to have a thorough and sophisticated knowledge of this period, students must display an ability to present ideas in an organized, creative and well supported fashion and to deal with a variety of issues in a relatively mature and sophisticated manner through ten short essay responses and two extensive essays; essay criteria include thoroughness, support for ideas, organization and relevance of answers.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 6 semester hours in History, Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion (9/16) (7/21 revalidation). NOTE: Students cannot receive credit for both Advanced Jewish History: (History 201) and Advanced Jewish History (History 202).