Jewish Law - Genesis University
- Bible - Genesis University
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- Jewish Law - Genesis University
- Jewish Thought - Genesis University
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- Philosophy and Ethics - Genesis University
- Tax and Accounting - Genesis University
Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences
Classroom-based or distance learning course administered through Genesis University.
June 2005 - Present.
Upon succcessful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss the laws of the Festivals as found in the Code of Jewish Law; compare and contrast the laws of the Sabbath with those of the Festivals; define the legal Halachic terminology pertaining to the laws discussed; trace the laws to their biblical roots; differentiate between Biblical and Rabbinic rulings; and apply legal reasoning to contemporary issues and scenarios.
This is an in–depth study of the laws of the Festivals governing issues found in the Code of Jewish Law. Emphasis is placed on differentiating the laws of the Festivals with those of the Sabbath and applying legal theory to practical and contemporary situations and scenarios, using contemporary texts, as well as journal articles and essays. Major topics include: analyzing prohibited labors; positive commandments relating to the Festivals; and preparations done for and on the Festivals.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion (5/06) (3/11 revalidation) (9/16 revalidation) (11/22 revalidation).