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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Intellectual Property Law - LawShelf Educational Media

Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences


Various (self-study, self-paced).


December 2021 - Present.


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: define copyrights and explain how they are protected by federal law; describe actions that constitute copyright infringement and remedies may be available when infringement occurs; discuss the key purposes of copyright law; distinguish between copyrightable expressions and non-copyrightable ideas; analyze copyright issues that commonly arise from online activity; explain how to build on a copyrighted work in a permissible way; articulate how the law allows for the transfer and licensing of copyrights; identify which actions could constitute copyright infringement and what a copyright owner must prove to prevent illegal use of their copyright; and discuss the defenses an alleged copyright infringer can raise in response to a claim of copyright infringement.


This course focuses on copyright law and copyright protection(intellectual property device that protects a creative work from duplication if it is fixed in a tangible medium). The course examines the types of works that can be protected by copyright law and discusses federal copyright law as set forth in Title 17 of the United States Code. Other topics include enforcement of copyrights, when the  holder lacks the ability to enforce copyrights, ways a copyright is protected, how to build on a copyrighted work, the transfer and licensing of copyrights, and copyright infringement.

Credit recommendation:

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Business, Management, or Paralegal Studies (6/21).


Various (self-study, self-paced).


December, 2021 - Present. 


At the completion of this course, students will be able to: discuss the role of patents in the landscape of intellectual property law; differentiate between utility patents, design patents, and plant patents; describe of the role of the patent attorney; explain how to execute patent searches, applications, and maintenance in the patent application process; and apply the remedies available for patent infringement to the appropriate circumstances.


This course focuses on of patent law, including the role of patents in the landscape of intellectual property, patent requirements, patent procedure and enforcement. 

Credit recommendation:

In the upper division baccalaureate degree category OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Intellectual Property Law (6/21).


Various (self-study, self-paced).


December 2021 - Present.


At the completion of this course, students will be able to: differentiate between trademarks and other forms of intellectual property; define what constitutes a trademark; identify and explain the significance of the symbols that may be used to indicate claimed trademarks; describe the process of registering and protecting the various marks covered by trademark protection; explain the requirement of “distinctiveness,” for something to be covered by trademark protection; and articulate the remedies that may be available to trademark owners in cases of trademark infringement.


This course focuses on Trademark Law- the legal mechanisms available to protect distinctive logos, slogans, and other visual marks associated with products from unauthorized use, trademark requirements, the registration process, infringement, and enforcement.

Credit recommendation:

In the upper division baccalaureate degree category OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Intellectual Property Law (6/21).
