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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Inactive Learning Experiences - Faith Builders Educational Programs

Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences


Version 1: 45 hours (5-15 weeks). Version 2: 45 hours (5 weeks).


Version 1: July 2003 - December 2006. Version 2: January 2007 - October 2020.


Version 1: Upon successful completion of the course,students will be able to: solve linear equations and inequalities and quadratic equations; use and graph functions including exponential and logarithmic functions; use conic sections; solve systems of equations; work with sequences and series; and understand introductory concepts of probability. Version 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: perform algebraic manipulation proficiently; demonstrate problem solving skills; understand exponential notation; simplify radical expressions; simplify rational expressions; solve linear and quadratic equations; and solve exponential and logarithmic equations.


Version 1: Major topics covered in the course are linear equations and inequalities, quadratic equations, functions (including exponential and logarithmic functions), conic sections, systems of equations, sequences and series, and introductory probability. Method of instruction is lecture format. Evaluation criteria include exams and projects. Version 2: Major topics covered in the course are the study of linear, exponential and logarithmic functions and their graphs; study of polynomial and rational functions; solving linear, exponential, logarithmic and quadratic equations; solving inequalities; solving systems of equations; and an introduction to sequences and series. Methods of instruction include lecture. Evaluation criteria include assignments and examinations.Prerequisite: High school algebra. 

Credit recommendation:

Version 1 and 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in College Algebra (12/03) (4/07) (11/10) (10/15 revalidation).

Version 1: 45 hours (5-15 weeks). Version 2: 45 hours (5-12 weeks).

Version 1: June 2002 - April 2007. Version 2: May 2007 - July 2015. 


Version 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the development of American cultural, social, political and religious institutions; understand and explain American religious, social and cultural origins; describe and discuss important events and actors from American history; evaluate the relationship between religion and American national life; and understand what it means to be an American, how the nation has developed its strengths and weaknesses, its motivations and goals. Version 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the development of American cultural, social, political and religious institutions; understand and explain American religious, social and cultural origins; describe and discuss important events and actors from American history; evaluate the relationship between religion and American national life; and understand what it means to be an American, how the nation has developed, its strengths and weaknesses, its motivations and goals.


Version 1: Major topics covered in the course are: What is history?; America before the Europeans, European colonization, British Colonial America, British-French struggle over North America, American War for Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Growth of the new nation, Civil War, Reconstruction, westward expansion, immigration, industrialization, World War I, the Great Depression and the New Deal, World War II, the Cold War and after the fall of communism. Methods of instruction include lecture with questions and discussion. Various documents that pertain to the American historical experience are read and discussed in class. A term paper is expected at the end of the course. Evaluation criteria include: two tests, two reaction papers, class discussion on various documents from American history and a research paper. Version 2: Major topics covered in the course are: What is history?; America before the Europeans; European colonization; British Colonial America; British-French struggle over North America; American War for Independence; Articles of Confederation; Constitution; Growth of the new nation; Civil War; Reconstruction; Westward expansion; Immigration; Industrialization; World War I; The Great Depression and the New Deal; World War II; The Cold War; after the fall of communism. Methods of instruction include: lecture with questions and discussion encouraged. Various documents that pertain to the American historical experience are read and discussed in class. A term paper is expected at the end of the course. Evaluation criteria include: tests, reaction papers, and a research paper.

Credit recommendation:

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in American History (10/03). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in U.S. History (04/07) (11/10) (10/15 revalidation).


60 hours (4 weeks).


October 2010 - October 2020.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: articulate the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic aspects of ministry worldwide; discuss ministry skills in direct interaction with ministry and mission practitioners; assess one’s place in the work of worldwide ministry by evaluating one’s own gifting and abilities alongside the opportunities available; describe the vision and activities of organizations that minister to people in urban settings or prisons; exercise ministry skills in participation with organizations that minister to people in urban settings or prisons; integrate oneself with other students as a team in ministry, experiencing how a group is more than the sum of its parts; participate in group worship; and evaluate personal and team experiences.


Major topics covered are: the message; the means; challenges; methods; purpose in the world; a blessing to the world; representing God to the world; and teamwork. Methods of instruction include: lecture, guest presentations, and group work. Evaluation criteria include five response papers, an interview with the instructor, and journaling.

Credit recommendation:

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate division category, 3 semester hours in Ministry Studies (10/15).


Version 1 and 2: 45 hours (5 weeks).


Version 1: January 2005 - February 2007. Version 2: March 2008 - October 2020.


Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss the place of sorrow in human experience; establish the need for a Biblical framework for viewing human suffering and for responding to human suffering; discuss the example of Jesus in response to human sorrow; discuss the problem of death and factors in dying that affect grief; outline the typical grieving process and show how children grieve different from adults; discuss principles that enable people to work through grief; list pointers for how to comfort those who are grieving; review Biblical examples of people who experienced rejection and discuss observations about rejection from those examples; identify specific emotional responses to rejection and to trace the "paths of response" when people follow those emotional responses; identify core issues in rejection; discuss what it means to be Christ-centered and how we go about pointing rejected people to Him; describe the identity and security we have "in Christ;" discuss what it means to love and to show how love drives out fear, specifically in the experience of those who have been rejected; outline the Biblical mandate to "receive" one another in Christ; review Biblical examples of abuse; define abuse and discuss why abuse is painful and destructive; discuss how abuse "offends" little ones and trace abuse to ongoing struggles in the lives of those who have been abused as children; outline how to find healing from the damage of abuse; discuss "second party" help for those who have been abused; discuss "third party" help for bringing reconciliation between the abuser and the abused; list typical changes that need to happen in the life of an abused person, and to discuss what is necessary for those changes to occur; and describe Biblical principles for helping an abuser.


Version 1 and 2: Major topics covered in the course are: human sorrow; why there is sorrow; right responses to sorrow; God's purposes in sorrow; grief; rejection; and abuse. Methods of instruction include: lecture, discussion and collaborative learning. Evaluation criteria include examinations and projects.

Credit recommendation:

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Social Work or Psychology (04/07). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Human Services or Christian Ministries (11/10) (10/15 revalidation).


Version 1 and 2: 45 hours (5 weeks).


Version 1: January 2005 - May 2008. Version 2: June 2008 - October 2020.


Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: affirm the authority of the Scriptures in directing our interpersonal relationships; show how a relationship with God is foundational to healthy interpersonal relationships; describe the human yearning for close connection; define and illustrate the place of boundaries in healthy relationships; define and illustrate the place of barriers in unhealthy relationships; describe the role of character as fundamental to healthy relationships; discuss the character qualities of honesty, humility, and mercy and demonstrate how they find expression in relationships; list Biblical principles for communication; list and discuss four social principles necessary in all social structures; discuss the value of friendship and principles for healthy friendships; understand ways of categorizing conflict as a prerequisite for determining right procedures in resolving conflict; understand the Biblical directives to pursue peace; distinguish between surface conflict and heart issues in conflict, understand the role each plays in creating conflict, and explore ways of addressing both in conflict resolution; define qualities of a peacemaker; list pointers for directing people to examine themselves in times of conflict; understand how to clarify what is important and what is not in times of conflict; discuss principles for objective listening in conflict resolution; understand Biblical paradigms for resolving differences; and discuss implications of and Biblical directives regarding, the use of legal procedures to resolve conflict.


Version 1 and 2: Major topics covered in the course are: communication; closeness; boundaries and barriers; character; social structures; conflict; conflict resolution. Methods of instruction include: lecture, discussion, role play, collaborative learning. Evaluation criteria include examinations and projects.

Credit recommendation:

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Human Relations (4/07). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Human Services, Human Development, Family Science, Communication, or as a General Elective (11/10) (10/15 revalidation). 


45 hours (5 weeks). 


October 2010 - December 2024.  


Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: acquire a detailed working knowledge of the fundamentals of functional harmony in tonall, Western music through notation, scales, intervals, keys, chords, and musical forms; analyze the structural elements of music including cadences, nonharmonic tones, and melodic organization; apply music theory concepts to the practice of music; and develop and increase aural skills (ear training) including intervals, triads, melodic dictation, rythmic dictation, harmonic dictation, and error detection. 


Major topics covered in the course are: scales; tonality; key; modes; intervals; transposition; chords; cadences; nonharmonic tones; textures; voice leading; harmonic progression and harmonic rhythm; and dominant seventh chord. Methods of instruction include: lecture, daily ear training exercises, and daily keyboard exercises. Evaluation criteria include two exams and a final composition.

Credit recommendation:

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Music Theory or Music (Liberal Arts requirement) (10/15) (10/20 revalidation). 


Version 1 and 2: 45 hours (5-15 weeks).


Version 1: September 2001 - December 2007. Version 2: January 2008 - October 2020.


Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss the historical, political, social and religious context of the intertestamental Jewish and Greco-Roman worlds from which the New Testament arose; demonstrate knowledge concerning authorship, date, setting and content of each New Testament book; trace the development of the early church; recognize the various types of New Testament literature; discuss the plot, characterization and theme of the four gospels; and provide an overview of the life, teachings and importance of Jesus.


Version 1 and 2: Major topics covered in the course are, intertestamental Judaism and the Greco-Roman world, as well as insights gained in New Testament studies by archaeology, the reliability of the documents, the gospels and their portrayals of Jesus, and Acts, each remaining book in probable chronological order to better understand the content and message of each book. Instruction includes classroom lecture. Evaluation criteria include tests, short papers on various topics, a research paper and participation in classroom discussion.

Credit recommendation:

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in New Testament Survey (10/03) (04/07). Version 2: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in New Testament or Religious Studies (11/10) (10/15 revalidation). 


12 hours, plus independent research (12 weeks). 


September 2013 - October 2020. 


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: read a theological work and understand the author’s intent; evaluate the author’s teaching; evaluate the teaching biblically; express their own positions in an essay; defend a position in a discussion; and critique the positions of other students.


Major topics covered in the course are: the Resurrection; the Incarnation; miracles; pluralism; ecclesiology; and beauty. Methods of instruction include: reading, discussion, and individual conferences with the instructor. Evaluation criteria include ten response papers.

Credit recommendation:

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Bible or Theology (10/15).


12 hours, plus independent research (12 weeks).


September 2012 - October 2020.


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: explain and defend their personal understanding of what it means to follow Jesus; summarize major discipleship emphases in different Christian traditions; investigate and evaluate perspectives of discipleship both similar to and different from their own and offer appropriate responses; and set goals and practice skills for enabling others to follow Jesus.


Major topics covered in the course are: six perspectives on methods of discipleship. Methods of instruction include: reading, discussion, and individual conferences with the instructor. Evaluation criteria include nine short essays and an 8-10 page final paper.

Credit recommendation:

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Discipleship (10/15). 



30 hours (12 weeks).


January 2009 - December 2024.


Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: examine Jesus' use of the Scripture in His teaching; the Apostles' use of the Scripture in their teaching and writing; develop skills for exploring the context of a text; identify various genres of Biblical text and use appropriate means to understand and teach the text; practice the OCIA method of exploring a text; identify and use appropriate resources to explore Biblical texts and contexts; name the strengths and uses of common Bible translations; practice the expository method of teaching the Bible; practice the discovery method of teaching the Bible; identify and use effective introductions and conclusions when teaching the Bible; identify various types of questions to facilitate discussion and learning; lead meaningful discussions of a Biblical text; and understand characteristics of children and adolescents and incorporate those in lessons when teaching the Bible.

The course involves lecture, discussion, reading, lesson plans, and presentations in order to practice skills for exploring context, identifying the main idea, and interpreting text. The two types of learning to be examined are exposition and discovery.
Credit recommendation:

In the lower division associate/baccalaureate degree category, 2 semester hours in Bible or Religious Education (11/10) (10/15 revalidation) (10/20 revalidation).
