| Evaluated Learning Experience
Criminal Justice- Cybersecurity and Cybercrime (CJ103)
43 hours.
November 2017 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: outline the fundamentals of cyberspace and how it works; identify the cyber domain’s five key gateways to its vulnerability to cyber threats; distinguish between DDoS attacks, trojans, and botnets and determine common defense mechanisms to these threats; categorize the different types of cybercrime and determine how law enforcement is fighting back; contrast the “good” and “bad” hacktivists and illustrate the three major types of hacktivists; compare and contrast the different views of whether government oversight of cybersecurity is necessary; analyze barriers to effective international governance of the internet; determine how the United States constitution limits but does not prohibit the government’s monitoring of the internet; formulate how U.S. privacy laws should evolve with new technologies; analyze encryption and wiretapping work in cyberspace; assess the “going dark” phenomenon; identify the dangers hidden in computer hardware; illustrate the ways to reduce risks of danger online in professional and personal situations; and analyze alternative approaches to cybersecurity.
Instruction is offered online through video lectures, study guides, required and supplemental readings, quizzes, homework, and final exams. Major topics include: Stuxnet, the five gateways of internet vulnerability, viruses, botnets, and logic bombs, the problem of identity on the network, cyber fraud, theft, and organized crime, hacktivists and insurgency, nations at cyber war, government regulation of cyberspace, international governance and the internet, the constitution and cyberspace, big data- “they” know everything about you, privacy for the cyber age, listening in and going dark, the devil in the chips – hardware failures, protecting yourself in cyberspace, and critical infrastructure and resiliency.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Information Systems or Criminal Justice (2/18) (2/23 revalidation).