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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Overview, an NCCRS member since February 2018, is making higher education more accessible and affordable for everyone.

University and college education can be costly and normal distractions of work, bills, and home life, often prevent someone from getting started with education or being able to dedicate time and money to a traditional 4-year degree program.

They want to change that.

At, students get started by taking online courses at their own pace in a simple and easy-to-use learning environment...completely free.  By removing barriers and focusing on world-class education, their vision is to enable millions of people to take the first step toward earning a college degree.

Students and admissions representatives please note: NCCRS does not provide transcripts. Transcript requests and inquiries should be directed to the organization offering the courses, examinations or apprenticeship. See the Source of Official Student Records in the sidebar near the top right side of this page.

Source of Official Student Records

Director of Education
3430 E Russell Road, Suite 321
Las Vegas, NV 89120
United States
(800) 729-1317

Descriptions and credit recommendations for all evaluated learning experiences

Active Learning Experiences -

Inactive Learning Experiences - OnlineDegree. Courses no longer eligible for credit.
