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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

| Evaluated Learning Experience

Healthcare Core (1141)

Course Category: 


NOCTI and NBS proctored test centers throughout the United States.

January 2017 - Present. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of this examination, students will be able to: Describe how healthcare workers can be aware and sensitive to clients and their families (across the lifespan) emotional, spiritual, mental health and social needs, behaviors, and attitudes; Explain how different diseases can influence the functioning, behaviors, and attitudes of individuals including dementia/Alzheimer's disease; Describe selected client service strategies (e.g., service, quality client care, client participation); Define the stages and processes of death and dying and the influence those stages have on clients and their families; Discuss healthcare fields and the types of workers needed; Describe employer behavioral expectations of healthcare personnel; Identify the impact of quality in healthcare facilities as well as the responsibilities of users of the healthcare system (e.g., healthcare workers maintenance of personal wellness); Describe selected types of healthcare facilities and healthcare delivery systems (e.g., organizational and financial structure, departments and services, type and levels of healthcare personnel, policies and requirements); Describe the components of verbal and nonverbal communication and situations in which these skills can be effectively used;  Explain how active listening skills can improve client/individual and team communication; Use a variety of communication techniques to achieve effective interpersonal and team communication; Describe communication skills that are important when managing conflict; Explain the components of accurate and appropriate documentation and reporting (e.g., common medical abbreviations); Explain the roles and responsibilities of team members; Describe the use of information technology in healthcare settings; Using a problem-solving process applied to healthcare situations, describe how healthcare workers can effectively communicate with their clients/individuals and team members; Describe dimensions of values as they impact healthcare; Describe basic principles of professional relationships; Describe how ethical decision making influences the care of clients; Explain how an individual's diversity, socioeconomic, or religious beliefs could lead to potential ethical differences with that of other healthcare employees; Explain the laws (e.g., liability,  influence on client care); Explore legal issues such as sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, negligence, malpractice and violence in the workplace (e.g., abuse, neglect, exploitation, and the Vulnerable Adults law); Identify the legal issues related to informed consent, advanced directives, ensuring the clients' rights and responsibilities, and accurate documentation; Describe the importance of confidentiality (HIPAA) and consequences of inappropriate use of healthcare data (social media and email) in terms of disciplinary actions; List healthcare safety standards and regulatory agencies and the requirements they set for safety standards for healthcare facilities, their employees, and clients/individuals; Explain the current requirements of standard precautions and the procedures used at a variety of healthcare facilities to support those standards (e.g., infection control, proper hand washing, and gloving procedures); Identify ways in which healthcare workers can demonstrate personal and client safety (e.g., Safety Data  Sheets (SDS), safety signs, symbols, labels, and physical, chemical, and biological safety); Explain the procedures used to respond to client/individual and healthcare facility emergencies (e.g., fire safety and natural disasters); Describe one's personal belief system as well as the belief systems and practices of diverse cultures; Explore personal responsibility as a healthcare employee to treat each person as an individual; Discuss the appropriate workplace expectations to interact with team members and care for clients/individuals from diverse cultures, gender, age groups; Using a problem-solving process, applied to healthcare situations, describe how healthcare employees can respect client and staff diversity.



This exam assesses an individual's end-of-program knowledge and skills in an online proctored proficiency examination format. In addition, some programs administer a performance component test to assess application of skills.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Health Care Core or Introduction to Healthcare (5/17).
