Coopersmith Career Consulting | Evaluated Learning Experience
Introduction to Business Ethics (BUS-205)
Varies (self study, self-paced).
December 2019 – Present.
Upon successful completion of this learning experience, students will be able to: explain the fundamental ethical principles and philosophies and the importance of ethical behavior in the business world; describe the ethical challenges in various sectors of business; contrast the obligations and responsibilities of business corporations towards the environment and society; evaluate ethical issues and conflicts in the corporate world and arrive at measures to resolve them; compare ethical theories to real-life business situations and to make rational decisions; and apply knowledge of ethical principles and dilemmas to the corporate world.
Major topics include ethics issues, ethical leadership and the ethical decision framework. Instruction focuses on the examination of business ethics from a personal and business perspective. Instructional methods include a study guide, required readings, and a final exam.
In the associate/certificate degree category OR in the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management or as a general Business elective (1/20) (1/25 revalidation).