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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Camphill Academy | Evaluated Learning Experience

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Human Being III


65 hours (variable over several weeks.)

Camphill Communities California, Soquel, CA; The Camphill School, Glenmoore, PA; Camphill Village Kimberton Hills, Phoenixville, PA; Camphill Village, USA, Copake, NY; Heartbeet Lifesharing, Hardwick, VT; Plowshare Farm, Greenfield, NH; instructor-led individual study at various locations across North America.
September 2005 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Mentor-facilitated Independent Study
Workshop Intensive
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: awaken an interest in imbalances of constitution, development, behavior, and social integration; identify tendencies of imbalances in oneself; give accurate and imaginative descriptions of phenomena of imbalances; develop empathy through artistic and experiential activities; live with empathy into the phenomena of human relationships, imbalances in behavior, development and constitution; apply the anthroposophical understanding of the human being to these imbalances; develop an anthroposophical extended diagnostic picture that can serve as leading image for helpful/supportive action; inner development of the curative educator/social therapist as a condition for healing action; understand various therapeutic activities in relationship to the imbalances; identify helpful/supportive activities that create balance in social integration, behavior, development and constitution. 


This course provides an understanding of imbalances in the human being and builds on the general understanding of the human being as a being of body soul and spirit developed in Human Being I and II by exploring the imbalances, disturbances and pathologies that can be present in the human constitution. Taking a phenomenological approach to symptomatology and diagnosis, participants are challenged to apply their observational skills and capacities in order to perceive and understand such imbalances and describe them in terms of the relationships and interactions of body, soul and spirit and their various aspects. This is a prerequisite to the development of holistic therapeutic and educational activities and approaches. This path requires of the curative educator knowledge and appreciation of his or her own imbalances, leading to the development of empathy as a tool for entering into the life situation of another person. Participants in this course are challenged to awaken their interest in imbalances of constitution, development, behavior and social integration, develop empathy through artistic and experiential activities, to apply the anthroposophical understanding of the human being to these imbalances, and to understand various therapeutic activities in their relationship to the imbalances.

Credit recommendation: 

In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 4 semester hours as Curative Education, Social Therapy, Social Agriculture, Preparation for Case Studies in Inclusive Social Development Curative Education, Methods of Phenomenological Research, Methods of Diagnostic Assessment, Human Studies, Human Growth and Development, Philosophy, Complementary Medicine and Therapy, and any discipline that could benefit from such a complementary learning experience (9/07) (10/10 revalidation) (11/15 revalidation) (10/20 revalidation).
