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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

LIUNA Training and Education Fund | Evaluated Learning Experience

Microbial Remediation MICREM


24 hours.

LIUNA Pomfret, CT, and other LIUNA approved training centers

April 2011 – Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: define the following terms: sick building syndrome, spores, and microbial contamination; list six causes of indoor air pollution; identify and describe the ideal environment for mold growth; identify at least two common symptoms associated with mold exposure; define the following terms: aspergillus, bacteria, fungi, HP, mycotoxins, ODTS, penicillium, stachybotrys chartarum (Atra), trichothecene mycotoxin, and viruses; identify the routes of entry for fungi to enter the body; list at least three reasons for performing work area monitoring and sampling; list at least three methods of sampling used to detect and identify the presence of mi­crobial contamination; describe the following three air purifying respirators and list the assigned protection fac­tor (APF) for each: Half-face Air Purifying Respirator, Full-face Air Purifying Respirator, and Full-face Powered Air Purifying Respirator; list and explain at least six limitations of Air Purifying Respirators (APRs); list and explain the three filter series and three filter efficiency levels for particulate filters; explain the terms “breakthrough” and “warning properties” and list four steps that should be taken if breakthrough occurs; explain the term “assigned protection factor” (APF) and how it relates to a respirator; correctly state the APF for the three respirators mentioned above; explain the abbreviation MUC and give the MUC for each of the same respirators men­tioned above; list and explain the nine requirements of a Respiratory Protection Program; explain the difference between a qualitative and quantitative fit test, and give an exam­ple of each; identify and describe at least three elements of work area preparation that should be completed before any microbial remediation can begin; list at least two of the most common chemicals used to destroy microbial organisms; describe the proper mixture for a bleach/water solution used during microbial remedia­tion; given the proper materials, mix a bleach/water solution in the correct proportion according to the guidelines of this course (hands-on); given a space, calculate its volume and determine the appropriate number of negative air units to achieve four air exchanges per hour; given a space, tools, and equipment, contain the space and set up a negative pressure enclosure according to the procedures recommended in this course (hands-on); given the tools, materials, equipment and PPE and a mock work area, demonstrate remediation of microbial contamination according to the guidelines of this course (hands-on); explain the importance of decontamination during microbial remediation projects and list four ways that workers may be exposed; define decontamination; list the elements of a three-chamber decontamination unit and explain the function of each; working in small groups, construct a three-chamber decontamination unit according to the guidelines in this course; given a full-face APR, a protective suit, boots, and gloves, simulate the decontamina­tion process according to the guidelines in this course.


Major topics focus on workers who will be employed on microbial remediation projects or job sites having the potential of having mold, moisture, and mildew hazards. The course is designed for those with no previous Asbestos or Lead Abatement Worker training. Additional hours are dedicated to hands-on activities.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Environmental Health and Safety, and Environmental Science (4/16) (4/21 revalidation).
