Theological Research Institute, Ltd. (TRI) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Introduction to Gerontology (SCI 205)
Self-study, self-paced.
August 2021 – Present.
Upon successful completion of the learning experience, students will be able to: articulate how a life course perspective matters with regard to aging; explain the need for research on aging and how this research is conducted; interpret and use demographic data to measure aging in populations; relate to older populations with an improved understanding of the meaning of aging in multiple domains; identify ways that family members can engage in a helpful manner with elderly family members; and analyze the financial challenges associated with aging and retirement and suggest ways to navigate these challenges more effectively.
This course approaches the study of aging from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes psychological and social aspects on the process of aging. As the lifespan of many has increased, there is a need to better understand and engage with the complexity that is involved in becoming older human beings. Instruction is provided through readings, writing assignments, and a final exam.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours in Human Services, Healthcare Administration, Business Management, or Healthcare Management (7/22).