| Evaluated Learning Experience
Criminal Justice 305: The Juvenile Justice System
Varies; self-paced.
December 2012 - December 2022.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: acquire a sense of the scope and nature of delinquency; analyze delinquency causation as indicated by biological, psychological and sociological theoretical explanations; evaluate the social context (family, school and peers) of delinquency; explain law enforcement, court and correctional function within the juvenile justice system; and compare and contrast the major forms and objectives of delinquency prevention.
The course is self-paced, and instruction is delivered through online video and text lessons. Students are assessed through quizzes, final projects, and a proctored final exam. Topics include: defining juvenile delinquency, theories of delinquent behavior, influence of gender and family on delinquency, school issues and delinquenc, social forces and delinquency, policing and juveniles, adjudication of juvenile delinquents, and juvenile corrections and deterrence.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Administration, Child Life Studies, or Human Services (12/17).