Data Networking component: Students will be able to: define networking and identify network architectures, network topology characteristics, and the major network operating systems; explain the Open Systems Interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) and its relationship to the packet creation process and TCP/IP; identify the network devices associated with LANs and WANs and the common cable types used in networking, including coaxial, fiber optic, and twisted pair; explain the TCP/IP architecture, including the TCP/IP suite protocols and their respective RFCs; describe the routing process; identify IP address classes and reserved IP addresses; determine default and custom subnet masks; describe various diagnostic tools for troubleshooting TCP/IP networks. Telephony Networking component: Identify the call processing steps (call setup, call connection, call completion); compare analog trunks and station lines; identify electrical characteristics of ground-start and loop-start analog trunks; identify the various types of E&M trunks; describe different Digital Signal Hierarchy (DSH) technologies; describe Pulse Code Modulation in telephony; identify the functions of CLASS 4 (tandem) and CLASS 5 (end-office) switches in regard to PSTN/GSTN; describe various numbering plans (global, NANP, private); identify the differences between FXO and FXS interfaces; identify safety procedures (cabling, power, grounding, ESD, NEBS); identify troubleshooting tools (4-pair tester, inductor/buzzer/toner), lineman's test handset (butt set), volt meter and laptop; identify various cable terminations (USOC/RJ-nn and ITU/V.nn standards). Convergence Technologies (VoIP) component: Identify the major industry standards and organizations relevant to convergence technologies; identify components and characteristics of a VoIP network; define the Quality of Service (QoS) technologies used in convergence networks; identify the characteristics of circuit-switched and packet-switched networks; identify the functions of signaling protocols used in convergence networks; configure and utilize an Internet voice connection using Windows Net Meeting.
Topics include: Data Networking component: Data networking; network operating systems; networking protocols; binding and configuring TCP/IP; LANs and WANs; wiring an RJ-45 cable; TCP/IP suite and internet addressing; TCP/IP protocols; local and remote destination node; converting internet addresses; determining default subnet masks; determining subnet masks and address ranges; determining network address ranges, subnet masks, and CIDR notation; configuring TCP/IP properties; TCP/IP troubleshooting; locating and viewing TCP/IP information in the protocol and services files; using the ping command; using the tracert program; identifying IP configuration and hardware address information; viewing the ARP cache; using the nbstat command. Telephony Networking component: Telephony essentials; local telephone connections; the local loop; creating a telephone cable; infrastructure issues and standards; troubleshooting; testing tools; analog and digital signaling. Convergence Technologies (VoIP) component: Industry standards and protocols; researching standards; enabling voice over IP; configuring Windows Net Meeting for VoIP transmissions; conducting a VoIP call using Net meeting; network convergence; comparing codes in a VoIP implementation.
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in a Technology or Telecommunications degree program or as a laboratory in a Technology or Telecommunications degree program OR in the associate degree/certificate category, 1 semester hour as a laboratory in a Trades curriculum (9/04) (12/05 revalidation). *NOTE: Course numbers on transcripts may reflect different prefixes depending upon where a course is offered. NOTE: This course and the three course sequence that includes Data Networking (216A), Telephony Networking (216B), and Convergence Technologies (216C), and the three-course sequence that contains the same titles with course numbers (224 1, 2, and 3) overlap in content. Credit should be awarded for only one of these learning experiences, if a student should successfully complete more than one.