Printreading for Residential and Commercial Construction (288)
45 hours (7.5 weeks).
Various approved locations throughout the United States.
August 2012 - August 2017.
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: list and describe the two types of project delivery systems and how they work; ;ist and describe construction professionals and their roles in construction; describe types of processes used to produce prints; describe common types of drawings; discuss line types used on drawings per ANSI standards; list and describe common scales used on prints; identify types of prints and what they show; discuss components of prints that provide written descriptions; describe the use of abbreviations and symbols on prints; explain common types of windows shown on prints; outline requirements for stairways and list and describe building codes that apply to stairways; describe symbols used on prints for wood construction materials; discuss common types and structural properties of wood; identify and explain common components and applications of concrete; describe common types of masonry construction materials; explain the function of common types of metal construction materials; list common types of insulation used in building construction; describe common applications of plastics in construction; discuss common types of glass products used in building construction; describe the use of gypsum products in construction; list common materials used in roofing; describe common components of electrical systems and those used in mechanical systems; discuss fundamental principles of platform framing; outline common methods of frame construction in addition to platform framing; discuss fundamental principles of monolithic concrete construction; describe common types of unit masonry construction; discuss fundamental principles of metal framing; describe regional considerations for light frame construction; discuss factors influencing residential design; describe fundamental concepts needed for reading prints; discuss major components of the brick-veneer residence prints; list major features of the various Rooms of the brick-veneer residence; discuss common information shown on elevations; describe common elements of the rough structure; describe common elements found on details; discuss common features of residential prints; explain the purpose of specifications; propose considerations for writing specifications; describe the CSI MasterFormatTM; system; discuss contents and common types of specifications; define and list common types of outline specifications; describe the contents of complete specifications; discuss key elements used as a reference when reading plans for the multifamily dwelling; list elements of the multifamily dwelling included on the Site Plan; discuss information contained on the Foundation Plan for the multifamily dwelling; list elements of the multifamily dwelling included on the Penthouse Floor Plan; describe components of the various plans associated with multifamily dwellings; describe key components of the design of the Commercial Building; discuss concrete work specifications for the Commercial Building; discuss elements of the rough structure of the Commercial Building; describe the operation of the Commercial Building heating system; describe the key components of the Branch Bank design; discuss pertinent information of the plans associated with the Branch Bank; Describe key components of each plan associated with Wendy's Restaurant prints; discuss information contained on elevations and schedules related to Wendy's Restaurant plans; describe the purpose of specification and explain how they are organized according to SCI MasterFormatTM; list items contained in Division 1 - General Requirements of the specifications; describe common elements found in Division 2 - Site Construction of the specifications, Division 5 - Metals of the specifications, Division 6 - Wood and Plastics of the specifications, Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection specifications, Division 8 - Doors and Windows of the specifications, Division 9 - Finishes of the specifications, Division 10 - Specialties of the specifications, Division 15 - Mechanical and Division 16 - Electrical of the specifications; explain purpose of quantity takeoff; discuss quantities used in earthwork and methods for calculating excavation takeoff; list the types of materials and information needed for concrete and for masonry takeoff; outline the methods used for takeoff of structural and light-gauge steel members; discuss information needed for takeoff of structural wood-framing members; list common types of exterior finish and interior finish materials included in a takeoff; and describe items contained in takeoff for mechanical and electrical systems.
This introductory classroom-based course provides printreading experience in residential and light commercial construction with hands-on practice of skills using real-world scenarios. Topics include: printreading fundamentals, construction materials, light frame construction, sustainable construction, project delivery systems, building modeling (BIM), zoning and permitting, fireproofing, LEED certification, and green building.
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Printreading, Construction, Construction Technology, Carpentry, or Civilian Engineering Technology (8/12).