Students will be able to: explain how the major wireless technologies are used today; describe the different ways in which data can be transmitted by radio waves and IrDa; discuss the benefits of standards and list the major telecommunications standards organizations; explain the differences between the OSI communications model and the IEEE 802 communications standards; explain how Blue tooth is used and works; explain the background of IEEE 802.11 WLANs; discuss how IEEE 802.11a networks function and how they differ from IEEE 802.11b networks; explain how cellular telephony functions; discuss the issues surrounding 3G implementation; explain the steps needed to build a wireless infrastructure.
This course introduces wireless networking over a range of applications, from cell phones to wireless local area networks to broadband wide area network links to satellite. Topics include: WLANs, and in particular, 802.11a and 802.11b configurations and security problems; cell phone technology, including 2, 2.5, and 3 G; and examination of WAP and SMS and fixed broadband wireless and satellite communications. Hands-on laboratories are included to enhance instruction.
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour as a laboratory in Telecommunications or Information Technology (11/04). *NOTE: Course numbers on transcripts may reflect different prefixes depending upon where a course is offered.