1. Data Networking (224/A or 224/1)* 2. Telephony Networking (224/B or 224/2)* 3.Convergence Technologies with IPTV (224/C or 224/3)* (VoIP Convergence Technologies)
Various approved locations throughout the United States.
Course 1, 2, and 3: March 2006 - December 2012.
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes:
Course 1: Students will be able to: define networking and identify network architectures, network topology characteristics, and the major network operating systems; define networking and identify network architectures, network topology characteristics, and the major network operating systems; explain the pen Systems Interconnection reference model (OSI/RM) and its relationship to the packet creation process and TCP/IP; identify the network devices associated with LANs and WANs, and the common cable types used in networking, including coaxial, fiber optic, and twisted pair; explain the TCP/IP architecture, including the TCP/IP suite protocols and their respective RFCs; describe the routing process; identify IP address classes and reserved IP addresses; determine default and custom subnet masks; describe various diagnostic tools for troubleshooting TCP/IP networks. Course 2: Students will be able to: recognize standard reference nomenclature; identify the call-processing steps; compare and contrast analog trunks and station lines; identify electrical characteristics of ground-start and loop-start analog trunks; identify the various types of E&M trunks in relation to analog trunks; identify various DSH technologies; compare and contrast analog ringing vs. digital alerting in relation to signaling types; identify the primary analog transmission impairments involved in a phone call; identify the need for echo cancellation in 2-wire to 4-wire hybrids; define Pulse Code Modulation in telephony; identify the functions of class 4 (tandem) and class 5 (end-office) switches in relation to PSTN/GSTN; identify various numbering plans; recognize Digital Signal Hierarchy (DSH) terminology (STRATUM); distinguish between FXO and FXS interfaces;identify safety procedures; determine proper cabling procedures in specific environments (PVC vs. plenum); identify troubleshooting tools; identify the symptoms of improper clocking configuration; identify various cable terminations; compare and contrast the signaling of ground-start and loop-start analog trunks; compare and contrast in-band and out-of-band signaling; describe the signaling functions of ISDN and SS7; compare and contrast E&M, ground start, loop start, and OPX in relation to signaling types (A, B, C and D bits); compare and contrast analog dialing (DTMF) vs. digital addressing (set-up messages) in relation to signaling types. Course 3: Students will be able to: discuss the various standards agencies in the telecommunications industry; discuss the major industry standards in convergence technologies; identify and define the various IEEE 802 and ITU protocols; discuss Requests for Comments (RFCs) used in convergence technologies; discuss the functions of gatekeepers and gateways; define delay, latency, jitter and wander, and identify their impact on real-time communications; identify the importance of a jitter buffer; identify the impact of large data frames on real-time communications; recognize the need for Quality of Service (QoS) for converged networks; identify QoS technologies for converged networks; identify common codecs and their bandwidth requirements in a converged environment; describe the impact of compressing voice in a network; compare and contrast the use of T1, E1 and J1 trunks for data and voice; identify the factors that affect the bandwidth of packetized voice; identify requirements for transporting modem and fax transmissions through a converged solution; identify the characteristics of circuit-switched and packet-switched technologies; identify the differences between the call flow in convergence-based calls and the call flow in circuit-based calls; and discuss how IPTV works and the underlying technology.
Course 1: Major topics include: data networking; network operating systems; networking protocols; binding and configuring TCP/IP; LANs and WANs; wiring an RJ-45 cable; TCP/IP suite and internet addressing; TCP/IP protocols; local and remote destination node; converting internet addresses; determining default subnet masks; determining subnet masks and address ranges; determining network address ranges, subnet masks, and CIDR notation; configuring TCP/IP properties; TCP/IP troubleshooting; locating and viewing TCP/IP information in the protocol and services files; using the ping command; using the tracert program; identifying IP configuration and hardware address information; viewing the ARP cache; using the nbstat command. Course 2: Telephony essentials; local telephone connections; the local loop; creating a telephone cable; infrastructure issues and standards; troubleshooting; testing tools; analog and digital signaling. Course 3: Industry standards and protocols; researching standards; enabling voice over IP; configuring Windows Net meeting for VoIP transmissions; conducting a VoIP call using Net meeting; network convergence; comparing codecs in a VoIP and IPTV implementation.
Credit recommendation:
Course 1, 2, and 3: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 1 semester hour in a Technology or Telecommunications degree program or as a laboratory in a Technology or Telecommunications degree program OR in the associate degree/certificate category, 1 semester hour as a laboratory in a Trades curriculum (2/07). NOTE: Course 1, 2 and 3 must all be completed to receive credit. NOTE: This three-course sequence of the same name with course numbers (216 A, B, and C), and VoIP Convergence Technologies Series (216) overlap in content. Credit should be awarded for only one of these learning experiences, if students successfully complete more than one course. *NOTE: Course numbers on transcripts may reflect different prefixes depending upon where a course is offered.