Jerusalem, Israel and other approved locations in the United States
October 2010 - November 2011.
Instructional delivery format:
Proficiency exam
Learner Outcomes:
Upon successful competion of the course, students will be able to: demonstrate an ability to identify, explain, analyze, interpret, and apply theoretical law in practical cases for the following areas: non-movable objects (muktza) due to value, forbidden use, non-designation for use; asking a non-Jew to perform work (amira l"akum) including the causes of prohibitions and allowances for the criteria by which they are determined; identify the distinction between different prohibitions and their causes; discuss underlying principles; determine when leniencies apply; describe their impact on the Sabbath behavior; and apply principles to practical scenarios. In regards to the time frame of the Sabbath, students will be able to: discuss the laws pertaining to candle lighting at the commencement of Sabbath; identify who may light and where one may light a candle; apply theory to practice; solve problematic scenarios regarding candle lighting; and demonstrate knowledge regarding laws and customs related to the conclusion of Sabbath and the custom of Havdallah.
Jewish Law 310 is offered as a proficiency examination that includes an extensive study-guide and required readings administered through the Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies.
Credit recommendation:
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in History, Judaic Studies, Near Eastern Studies, or Religion (2/11). NOTE: This course has been combined with The Laws of the Sabbath: Advanced Topics (Jewish Law 250) as The Laws of the Sabbath: The Rabbinical Laws (Jewish Law 350).