Version 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify, explain, analyze, interpret, and apply theoretical Torah for the following categories: plowing, weeding, fertilizing, planting, watering, weeding, fumigating, covering plants, reaping, uprooting, scraping, using trees, gathering, methods of gathering, gathering to discard, natural growth and natural stones; identify the distinction between similar prohibitions and their causes; discuss the underlying principles; determine when leniencies apply; describe their impact on Shabbos behavior; and apply principles to practical scenarios. Version 2: Students will be able to: identify and explain the underlying principles of theoretical Torah law relating to agriculture/baking break, such as: plowing, weeding, fertilizing, planting, watering, weeding, fumigating, covering plants, reaping, uprooting, scraping, using trees, gathering, methods of gathering, gathering to discard, natural growth winnowing, threshing, sorting, grinding, sifting, kneading, and baking; describe the impact of these laws on Sabbath behavior; and apply these laws to practical scenarios. Version 3: All outcomes from Version 1 and 2, additionally: students will be able to explain agricultural laws concerning the forbidden activities; conduct and in-depth analysis of the connection between Shabbos and the Shmittah year; describe the spiritual significance of the day of rest and its meaning in Jewish law, thought and history; and analyze the activity of Borer and its far-reaching implications.