Rechtschaffen Institute of Judaic Studies | Evaluated Learning Experience
Family-Centered Early Childhood Education (ECE 330)
Varies; self-study format.
June 2018 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss necessary components in the creation of a program where learning, caring, and parental collaboration exists; define the role of training in successfully working with students from diverse backgrounds; explain the need for a culturally sensitive partnership between home and school that encourages various methods of volunteering; explain how the development of policies that foment a culturally and linguistically appropriate ecology that encourages learning; and discuss historical development of views on children and how those views affect family life.
This course presents guidelines for creating effective partnerships with families and provides an overview of the diversity of modern families. Emphasis is on examining elements that create successful partnerships and programs that work. Students explore and adapt strategies to create connections to meet specific needs of schools and communities.
In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education (6/18) (7/23).