New York State Office of the State Comptroller | Evaluated Learning Experience
Governmental Accounting and Management (Track II)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: explain the practice of solving business problems in a variety of situations and appropriately apply required skills necessary to manage a business; compare and contrast state and local government finance; explain and apply the principles of tax policy and tax analysis and the fiscal policy choices that New York and other states make in their respective budgets; outline the complexity of the process that occurs to collect, analyze, and report information from a variety of sources in the timely assurance of the State’s GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) Financial statements; identify and explain the characteristics that distinguish governmental and not-for-profit entities from for-profit entities; identify the authoritative bodies responsible for setting financial reporting standards for state and local governments, the federal government, and not-for-profit organizations; explain the minimum requirements for general purpose external financial reporting for state and local governments and how they relate to comprehensive annual financial reports; identify and describe the required financial statements for the federal government and not-for-profit organizations; explain the role of strategic planning; discuss the agency’s budget process; define business analysis and its role in developing organizational strategies; define internal controls and risk mitigation; and orally present the final project.