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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

New York State Assembly | Evaluated Learning Experience

Assembly Intern Committee/Session Internship

Assembly Intern Program
Version 1: 20 weeks (Assembly Session); minimum of 30 hours per week. Version 2: 19 weeks (Assembly Session); minimum of 30 hours per week.
The State Capitol, Albany, NY.
Version 1: January 1978 - December 1986. Version 2: January 1987 - Present.
Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Version 1: To provide students with an in-depth experience combining the theory and practice of legislative process in order to develop research, communication, and interpersonal skills and an understanding of the way in which the Legislature works. Version 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: analyze how politics influences policy in the New York State legislative process; examine the role of policy analysis and how issues get on the policy agenda; recognize points in the policy process when politics can and does play a role; identify various political actors in the process, including legislators, the governor, the attorney general, the comptroller, state agencies, citizens, lobbyists and policy entrepreneurs, as well as the media; explain how policymakers translate their preferred solutions into an agenda that others take seriously; specify how policymakers take political action to advance this agenda; analyze the built-in relationships and institutional fragmentation of the constituent interests, agency rivalries, legislative conflicts, and external political factors; discuss the way the political process functions in New York State; uncover the incentives and obstacles these political features can pose to orderly deliberation, and the proposals for reform; explore the political and cultural diversity of New York State; communicate effectively orally and in writing on diverse aspects of complex issues; and write a complex research paper.


Version 1 and 2: The program begins with a comprehensive orientation to the operation of the State government, with particular reference to the workings of the Legislature. Interns then begin a minimum 30 hour per week placement in the office of an Assembly Member or Assembly committee. These assignments are based on a work plan and a learning contract between a supervisor and intern, after an initial match has been made between the student's interests, qualifications, and learning goals, and the needs of an office requesting an intern. Tasks involve constituent work, research on specific legislation, research on the legislative process, research on public policy issues, and office administration. Supervisors are either Members of the Assembly or members of their legislative, legal, research or administrative staffs. Performance is formally evaluated on a regular basis by the supervisors and Professors-in-Residence. During the program, each intern is enrolled in the course "Politics And Policy In The New York State Legislative Process," taught by the Professors-in-Residence. The course includes required readings, short papers, quizzes, and a research paper. Interns are also required to attend Issue Forums. Interns receive academic guidance and support, on an individual and group basis, from the permanent program staff, the Professors-in-Residence, and supervisors who provide them with a unique blend of academic and practical experience. The Professors-in-Residence evaluate the interns at regular intervals and at the end of the program.

Credit recommendation: 

Version 1 and 2: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 15 semester hours in appropriate departments or as a general elective credit (4/78) (8/87 revalidation) (6/92 revalidation) (5/97 revalidation) (6/02 revalidation) (6/07 revalidation) (6/12 revalidation) (6/17 revalidation) (6/22 revalidation).
