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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

New York City Police Department | Evaluated Learning Experience

Sergeant's Development Course

Formerly Basic Leadership Course; Sergeant's Leadership Course
Course Category: 

Version 1: 177 hours (5 weeks); includes 35 hours field training. Version 2: 160 hours (4 weeks), and an additional three days mentored experience and one-year field training. 

130-30 28th Ave. College Point, NY

Version 1: October 2009 - December 2024. Version 2: January 2025 - Present. 

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: describe the role of the first-line supervisor; identify and explain principles of effective supervision and apply them to situations commonly encountered by a first-line supervisor.


Version 1 and 2: Major topics include: leadership styles; supervisory skills; team building; legal issues for supervisors; policing strategies; conducting roll calls; posting platoons; desk officer duties; cultural awareness; report writing; computer systems training on applications used by the New York City Police Department.

Credit recommendation: 

Version 1: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Law Enforcement Supervision AND 1 semester hour in the upper division baccalaureate category in Personnel Management (10/09) (10/14 revalidation) (10/19 revalidation). Version 2: In the upper division baccalaureate / associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Law Enforcement Supervision and 1 semester hour in Personnel Management (12/24 revalidation).  NOTE: To view course exhibits prior to October 2009, please contact NCCRS.
