Formerly Community Relations for Police
Version 1: 75 hours. Version 2 or 3: 59 hours. Version 4: 60 hours (8 weeks). Version 5: 60 hours (8 weeks).
Police Academy, 235 East 20th St., New York, NY.
Version 1: December 1973 - December 1979. Version 2: January 1980 - January 1988. Version 3: February 1988 - December 1990. Version 4: January 1991 - February 1992. Version 5: March 1992 - May 1995.*
Instructional delivery format:
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes:
Version 1, 2, or 3: To provide the student with knowledge of his/her role in the community and the expectations of the community he/she serves. Version 4 or 5: Describe criminal and noncrime-related events and their underlying issues in the community that fall within the responsibility of the police department; explain the role of the police officer in the community with regard to criminal and noncriminal activity; describe techniques for intervention in criminal and noncriminal matters.