Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: supervise the operation of a squad at a borough command, assign duties, counsel and evaluate the work of fire marshals, conduct on-the- job training, review fire investigation reports and respond to major alarm fires. Version 3: Learner outcomes from Version 1 and 2, additionally, students will be able to: prioritize jobs, assign duties, and manage multiple investigations; counsel members under their command and evaluate their performance; effectively conduct drills and on-the-job training; conduct roll calls and record members' payroll entries; inspect members' safety equipment; oversee and evaluate physical examinations performed by Fire Marshals; review investigative reports, make recommendations, and process paperwork, report findings and other relevant information to superiors. Version 4 and 5: Students will be able to: properly conduct a roll-call of Bureau of Fire Investigation (BFI) members with the required journal entries; have a knowledge of the Bureau response policy; assign and prioritize open case assignments to a squad of fire marshal investigators; analyze and perform case management of the squad and have the ability to re-assign incomplete cases; have the ability, to create a written tour synopsis report, prepared for upper management; effectively prepare and produce necessary notifications to upper management; complete, the required city time entries, of subordinates; properly manage, oversee and approve, any required overtime of Bureau members; inspect members to ensure, they possess, the proper equipment and are dressed appropriately for the tour; complete required reports for any injuries, exposures and accidents, to Bureau members; manage and oversee court appearances and subpoenas of fire marshal investigators; manage and inspect, the line-ups of suspects performed by fire marshals; ensure department equal employment opportunity policies are followed; direct members to counseling, if necessary; direct fire marshals, to refer cases to the juvenile fire-setters intervention program, if required; oversee thefts of, or occurring inside of, department property; properly complete, send or distribute department letterhead reports and memorandums; supervise and support inter-agency cooperation; direct fire marshal investigators to utilize BFI resources when required; direct, oversee and manage any undercover operations and surveillance performed by members of the Bureau; manage and handle, the arrest of, a member of the Bureau; select, conduct and deliver a drill topic to a squad of fire marshals; properly document and measure the effectiveness of the drill topic; have an advanced knowledge and understanding of the current BFI directives and interim orders; refer to and utilize the supervisor reference manual when necessary; utilize the BFI CTRS system for case assignments and case management of a squad; have an intermediate to advanced understanding, of self-defense techniques, and proper use of equipment (handcuffs, expandable baton, OC spray) that may be needed, in self-defense, or to, take a person into custody, direct or assist in taking a person into custody; manage a specialized unit within the Bureau; utilize the scientific method, in accordance with NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 921 and 033; have an advanced knowledge of fire science, fire chemistry and fire dynamics; have an advanced understanding and assist fire marshals with the New York State penal law, criminal procedure law, and criminal case law; supervise, guide and oversee interviews and/or interrogations of individuals during a fire marshal investigation; manage inter-agency collaboration, as needed, during the course of an investigation; supervise and assist in, the identifying, collection, documentation and processing, of any, potential evidence, during an investigation; manage communications, in an effective manner, of fire marshals, dealing with individuals, who may be in crisis, as a result of an event, that has occurred; supervise and oversee, the processing, of an individual, who has been arrested and will be brought into the criminal justice system; provide guidance and assistance, if necessary, to a fire marshal, when, they are called to testify , as an expert witness, in the origin and cause of fire, in both criminal and civil court proceedings.