New York City Fire Department | Evaluated Learning Experience
Deputy Chiefs Command Course (MNG 430)
Version 1: 80 hours (10 days). Version 2: 40 hours (1 week).
Version 1: October 2010 - May 2015. Version 2: June 2015 - Present.
Version 1 and 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: successfully manage a variety of fire and emergency situations in the position of a Deputy Chief; recognize the warning signs and causes of collapse and implement appropriate response; effectively communicate with all personnel and other agencies at Incident Command Post; manage radio transmission systems and networks in the event of a major fire or emergency; manage administrative duties involved with deputy chief rank, including Fatal Fire Evaluations; define the role of a Deputy Chief and demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to work at major emergencies and multiple alarms alongside other city agencies and effectively manage major emergencies and multiple alarm fires through simulated exercises.
Version 1: This course combines 80 hours of lecture and scenario- based learning to prepare students for response in actual situations common to the post and duties of a deputy chief. Version 2: Same as Version 1, additionally, the purpose of this course is to familiarize all students with the role of Deputy Chief. Course curriculum includes lectures, presentations, and past case studies of FDNY major emergencies and multiple alarm fires. Students also review simulated scenarios to emphasize the role of FDNY and the importance of interagency cooperation. Major topics include: Field Communications, Fire and Emergency Scenarios and simulations, Maydays and roll calls, leadership and management, high rise fires, Command and Control, radios and communications, safety command overview, special operations command overview, tactics and strategy, Electronic Fire ground Accountability System (EFAS).
Version 1: In the upper division baccalaureate degree OR in the graduate degree category, 5 semester hours in Fire Service Administration, Management or Leadership (7/10). Version 2: In the upper division baccalaureate degree OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Fire Service Administration, Management or Leadership (6/15 revalidation) (6/21 revalidation).