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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

New York City Department of Education | Evaluated Learning Experience

1. EDU 700: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods 1

2. EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience

Course 1: 53 hours (20 weeks). Course 2: 480 hours (16 weeks).

65 Court Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Course 1 and 2: January 2020 – Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Learner Outcomes: 

Course 1: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; successfully apply the tenets of culturally responsive teaching to curriculum planning, instructional strategies, and classroom management; plan rigorous and engaging, common core aligned instructional materials with a constant lens on differentiation and culturally responsive pedagogy, such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; skillfully collect and use formative data to inform and revise instruction on a daily basis; adopt and utilize data-based reflective practices in order to continuously grow in their teaching practice; develop reasonable time allocations when planning lesson activities, unit plans and a year-long scope and sequence or curriculum maps; and reference student actions, responses and data-supported outcomes as evidence in reflecting on teaching. Course 2: ​Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: use strategies to build a collaborative, equitable, and student-centered classroom culture with supportive relationships for all students; consistently implement positive and culturally responsive behavior interventions; plan, deliver and refine rigorous and common core aligned instruction; deliver instruction such that a diverse set of learners can access the curriculum; implement multiple methods of checking for understanding at key points in a lesson and a unit; assess student learning and modify instruction based on their emerging strengths and needs; use questioning and discussion techniques that cause students to think, reflect and deepen their understanding and enable all students to contribute; and communicate assessment criteria, monitor student learning and provide actionable feedback to students. 


Course 1 and 2: Major topics include: Instructional Vision, Building Relationships, Behavior Management, Delivering Consequences, Managing Classroom Procedures, Starting Class and Entry Procedures, Co-Teaching Models, The Coaching Relationship, Introduction to Standards and Planning, Creating Objectives and Assessments, Delivering Direct Instruction, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Universal Design for Learning, Planning Questions and Engagement Strategies, Eliciting and Interpreting Student Thinking, Backwards Design, Data-Driven Instruction, Educating all Learners, Reflecting on Implicit Bias, Family and Community Engagement, and Bias in Special Education and Discipline. Prerequisite: Bachelor’s degree.

Credit recommendation: 

Course 1 and 2: In the graduate degree category, 9 semester hours in Education (3 semester hours lecture/6 semester hours clinical) (2/18) (6/22 administrative review) (4/23 revalidation). NOTE: Students must successfully complete both EDU 700: Classroom Culture and Instructional Methods 1 AND EDU 720: Clinical Teaching Experience and to access credit recommendations.
