New York City Department of Education | Evaluated Learning Experience
1. EDU 371: Relationship Building in School Communities
Course 1: 15 hours and and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks). Course 2: 15 hours and and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks). Course 3: 15 hours and 40 hours field experience (12 weeks).
Course 1, 2, and 3: April 2019 - Present.
Course 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will discuss culturally responsive education and assess effective teaching practices that align with student academic success; use accountable talk while engaging each other in discussions about student behaviors centered around restorative practices; apply appropriate strategies from Teaching with Love and Logic as a classroom management tool within the learning environment; and communicate effective behavioral strategies to co-teachers when trying to diffuse a difficult behavioral situation with a student. Course 2: Upon successful completion of the course, students will apply strategies from Understanding by Design to create highly effective lesson and unit plans; use accountable talk while engaging each other in discussions about how to incorporate it into their lessons; analyze and modify lesson and unit plans in accordance to state learning standards; and evaluate effective strategies for supporting students with disabilities. Course 3: Upon successful completion of the course, students will communicate with co-teachers about specific student skill sets that students can demonstrate and develop; develop and use trackers to trace a student's learning trajectory across various lessons and record growth throughout a lesson or unit; use different types of questions to collect information and influence student understanding; and evaluate specific types of questions to gauge and track student understanding.
Course 1: For new educators, nothing seems more daunting than the first day of school. The excitement of meeting new students, enacting curriculum, and pacing instruction can be overwhelming for those who are new to the profession. Building and nurturing a culture in the classroom is the first step to creating a lasting school community that will be supportive, engaging and empathetic. A classroom built upon a unique bond of culture, respect, empathy, and rigorous learning standards will become stronger, and in time, need fewer forced rules and consequences. The ultimate classroom is a community which expounds learning as an objective and self-discipline as a norm. The normative values of the classroom become explicit through the use of culturally relevant teaching techniques, community building experiences, and social justice action, thus creating a classroom that has innate trust and common goals. This course explores culturally relevant pedagogy, as a way to infuse the lived experiences of students, to create a highly effective learning community. Other topics include incorporation of social justice techniques to create a classroom that values learning throughout the school year, foundational theories to field practice in order to understand how research is applied, and building relationships that extend from the classroom to the school community, and explore “who we are” and what are our roles as educators. Course 2: This course introduces the foundations of backwards planning, differentiated instruction, and using state standards to guide instruction, and other strategies to support students with disabilities. For new educators, planning instruction to support a population of diverse learners is challenging. Instruction focuses on how to meet the academic needs of specific populations of children including students with disabilities, English language learners, and gifted learners, different learning styles, diverse teaching methods and various ways to differentiate instruction to all levels of learners, state standards, and how they influence instructional planning. Students design a highly effective unit plan that incorporates learning targets/goals, objectives, differentiated strategies, and instructional outcomes. Course 3: “I taught it, so they must know it” is a very common sentiment among new teachers. This course explores various forms of assessments that push academic achievement, as well as assessments that allow teachers to understand what conceptual understanding gaps exist and the strategies needed to support student academic needs. Assessments are more than just a formal summative standardized exam or scantron quiz. Many assessments come in the form of daily informal actions taken in the classroom to assess on the spot, which guides adjustments to instructional outcomes in order for all students to meet the class objectives. Other assessments ensure unit integrity by assessing towards the end of the unit. Daily assessments come in various forms and are needed to guide instruction. The focus for this course is learning varied tracking techniques, which allows participants to use assessment results to quantify student success, develop highly effective lesson plans, and guide their daily instruction.
Course 1, 2 and 3: In the upper division baccalaureate division category, 6 semester hours (4 semester hours in Education and 2 semester hours in Education or Special Education) (4/19). NOTE: Students must successfully complete EDU 371: Relationship Building in School Communities, EDU 372: Differentiation and Teaching Students with Disabilities, and EDU 373: Assessment to Promote Academic Achievement to gain access to credit recommendations.