New York Botanical Garden | Evaluated Learning Experience
Horticultural Therapy Methods and Materials (THR 406)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: evaluate tools, equipment, supplies and structures for use by participants with diverse needs; adapt tools and equipment to maximize client participation in horticultural therapy activities; describe the therapeutic qualities of plants and provide examples; assess potential risks and safety precautions of: plants, horticultural materials, physical environment and participants' conditions when planning horticultural therapy activities; describe culture, requirements, propagation methods and safety of plants discussed in class, including: herbs, vegetables, fruits, grasses, annual and perennial flowers, tropical plants, aquatic plants, trees, shrubs, perennials, bulbs, corms and rhizomes; select plants and design activities to meet treatment goals for a variety of populations; outline the planning aspects and time frames necessary for successful indoor and outdoor horticulture projects.