National Family Development Credential Program (FDC) | Evaluated Learning Experience
Empowerment Skills for Leaders
30 hours, flexible time frame.
June 2016 - Present.
Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: understand and practice the core concepts and competencies of strength-based family development and explore how they align with empowerment-based leadership; recognize the characteristics of an empowered workplace; understand the paradigm shift of “power over” to a “shared power” approach to leadership; increase awareness of the difference between deficit oriented practices and the family development approach in the workplace; understand the qualities of mindful leadership; practice the skills necessary to develop increased cultural humility and inclusiveness in the workplace; develop and offer services and programs consistent with the philosophy and best practices of family development and through participation in community-based professional development; and actualize the benefits of interagency and interdepartmental collaboration in achieving outcomes-based goals.
Major topics covered include leading an empowered workplace through implementation of family development best practices; shifting a leadership approach from a deficit approach to an empowerment approach; reflecting on personal leadership styles and leadership vision; types of organizational change and building capacity for transformation; leadership and self-empowerment; supporting staff during organizational transitions and traumatic events; conflict resolution skills; and strengthening cultural humility and inclusiveness in the workplace.
Each student reads the Empowerment Skills for Leaders textbook throughout the 30-hour course. A comprehensive Instructor Manual provides interactive lesson plans and activities for instructors to utilize in each of the five chapters of the curriculum. In addition, there are supplemental resources and suggested articles for each of the chapters.
Each student develops a Leadership Portfolio of skills practices working with a peer advisor applying the concepts taught in the course. Portfolios include an Independent Learning Project for each of the five chapters, a Leadership Empowerment Plan and an Overall Reflection. Peer advisors provide written and verbal feedback throughout the process. Portfolios are submitted to National FDC for review and approval before credentials are issued.
In the upper division baccalaureate category, 4 semester hours OR in the graduate degree category, 3 semester hours in Child, Adolescent and Family Development, Human Services, Human Services Administration, Social Services, Social Work, Health Services, or related disciplines, or Organizational Leadership (6/21).