Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Apprentice and Training Program – Pekin Campus | Evaluated Learning Experience
1.Carpentry General Knowledge (C111)
Course 1: 40 hours (1 week). Course 2: 40 hours (1 week).
Course 1 and 2: October 2011 – Present.
Course 1: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: use hand and power tools properly and safely; determine correct natural wood or wood product to use for specific projects; install fasteners; interpret blueprints; perform mathematical calculations; and apply health and safety procedures. Course 2: Students will be able to: describe the duties and responsibilities of apprentices; summarize the collective bargaining agreement as it relates to on the job learning and training; describe the UBC constitution and its structure; operate a powder actuated tool; describe construction industry hazards and corrective measures; perform first aid, CPR and use an AED; and recognize Commercial and Residential Fall Protection.
Major topics include: Course 1: use of hand and power tools; health and safety regulations, standards and procedures, blueprint reading, composition of natural wood and wood products, and technical math. Course 2: collective bargaining, on the job learning, American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED, and Commercial and Residential Fall Protection. Methods of instruction include lecture, demonstrations, quizzes, projects, examinations and supervised field experience.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 3 semester hours (2 semester hours in Carpentry or Construction Technology and 1 semester hour in Health Science) (9/16) (4/22 revalidation).