Microsoft | Evaluated Learning Experience
AZ-202 Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Transition Exam
Exam time: 180 minutes; preparation time varies.
September 2018 - February 2019.
Outcomes, skills and competencies measured by this certification exam include: develop solutions for cloud storage; create platfrom as a Service (PaaS) Solutions; secure cloud solutions; develop for an Azure cloud model; implement cloud integration solutions; develop AI, Machine Learning, and IoT solutions.
This certification exam assesses individuals' skills and competencies in an online proctored format or at an authorized test center. Prerequisite: 70-532: Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 4 semester hours in Cloud Computing, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Computer Science and Web Design (6/19): NOTE: Credit should not be duplicated with credit awarded for AZ-200, AZ-201 or AZ 203.