Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Studies in Jewish Law: Laws of Shabbat I (REL206)
Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks); Proficiency exam: Varies; self-study format.
September 2009 - Present.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: identify and define the major categories of melachah*; distinguish the principles behind each melachah and apply them to a broad range of situations; and compare and contrast diverse opinions as they pertain to the Laws of Shabbat as discussed in contemporary sources.
Major topics include: Biblical source of melochos; categories of forbidden melachos; av and toldah; d’oraisa and d’rabbanan; melechs machsheves; psik reisha; plowing; planting; harvesting; gathering; threshing; winnowing; grinding; kneading; dyeing; cutting to size; cooking; yad soledes bo; ma’achal ben Drusa’I; kli rishon, sheni and shlishi; bein hashmashos. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.