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National College Credit Recommendation Service

Board of Regents  |  University of the State of New York

Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience

Studies in the Books of Kings I and II (REL239)

Formerly The Early Prophets: Kings I and II (REL239)

Classroom: 39 hours (13 weeks); Distance/Hybrid: Varies. 

Traditional classroom-based offered at Maalot, Jerusalem, and other authorized locations. Distance learning and hybrid options available.

September 2009 - Present.

Instructional delivery format: 
Traditional classroom model
Online/distance learning
Hybrid course/exam
Learner Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to translate, interpret and compare Biblical, Rabbinical and classic Jewish literature pertaining to the Books Kings I and II and identify and describe major themes found in those books.


Major topics include Naval; Avishag; Batsheba; Dovid’s promise that her next child would be king; Solomon's anointment was due to Adonijah’s dispute; Joab took hold of the corner of the altar; wisdom and understanding; feasting at the completion of the Torah; why Solomon was made king; Solomon married too many wives, acquired too many horses; the influences of Solomon’s wives; Solomon’s scholarship; reason Solomon gave Hiram that David didn’t build the Temple; contents of the Ark; “song” and “prayer”; Solomon’s relationship with the queen of Sheba; Nebuchadnezzar; Jeroboam; advice of the young and advice of the old; Levi never served idols; Achijah; Asa; Zimri; Omri; Elijah; the widow; Obadiah; hiding 100 prophets; “small thin voice”; Ahab; murder of Naboth; “twice your spirit”; Elisha; Jehosophat; Abishag the Shunamis; leprosy; Geihazi; permanence of words; Yoav; Elisha; Jeroboam; exile of the ten tribes; Hezkiah; Manasseh; Josiah; Athalia; finding the sefer Torah; Hulda; Matanya; destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem; death of Gedalyoh; Joachim; Nebuchanezzar’s death. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.

Credit recommendation: 

In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Hebrew Bible, Judaic Studies, or Religious Studies (10/10) (8/15 revalidation) (3/21 revalidation).
