Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Studies in the Book of Samuel II (REL207)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to describe the major religious and historical elements of the Book of Samuel II that continue from the Book of Samuel I from the perspective of relevant commentaries as well as Midrashic and Talmudic sources and independently prepare various texts using classic commentaries.
Major topics include Samuel; request for a king; Saul; complex relationships between David, Saul, and Saul’s children; David as Saul’s rival for the throne; battle with the Philistines; deaths of Saul and Jonathon; David’s decision to execute the Amalekite youth; David emerges as the King of Israel; Tribe of Judah’s designation as the nation’s rulers; David’s claim to the throne; Abner, Asael and Ish Boshet; David and Michal; Abner kills Asael, and his brother Joab avenges him; murder of Ish Boshet; Mefiboshet; David is accepted as king “by all the Tribes of Israel”; David’s choice of Jerusalem as his capital; restoration of the Ark; Michal’s reaction to David’s dancing, his response, and the consequences for Michal; why David was unable to build the Temple King Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Temple; King David as a warrior; David and Bathsheba; David’s desire to be tested; Bathsheba’s marital status; repentance; Nathan’s parable and David’s verdict; Uriah’s death; David’s punishment; Amnon and Tamar: Analysis of the incident; Absalom plots revenge; David is rebuked ; David’s mourning; Absalom’s uprising; perspectives on suffering and tests; David’s response to his troubles; Mefiboshet’s hopes to be reinstated as king; Achitofel; Doeg; Achitofel’s advice, and leprosy; Absalom: sinned with his hair, and was caught by his hair; Absalom’s end; Shimi ben Gera; Sheva ben Bichri; David seeks to understand the reason for the famine, year after year, investigating idol worship, immorality, and failure to honor pledges to charity as possible causes; unique nature of David’s song; the rule of Messiah, descendant of the Davidic dynasty; cessation of the plague; David’s decision to purchase the threshing floor of Aravnah the Jebusite. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.
In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category OR in the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Judaic Studies or Religious Studies (10/10) (8/15 revalidation) (3/21 revalidation).