Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Studies in the Book of Proverbs (REL349)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss major religious and moral themes of the Book of Proverbs and analyze the relationships between the concepts enumerated in Proverbs and the exegeses of Talmudic, Midrashic, and later philosophic writings that expound upon the proverbs; and analyze primary texts written throughout the span of Jewish history.
Major topics include wisdom and parables; love and hatred; mockery; rebuke; wickedness and righteousness; unique role of every individual; worry; friendship; speech and silence; social relationships and isolation; desire as the opposite of lovingkindness; “mai haShiloach”; generosity; use of time; charity; good eye; good heart; faith; Shabbos and G-d’s omnipresence; halachah; honesty and dishonesty; modesty; giving as the ultimate good; prayer; satiation and longing; arrogance; aspirations; good and evil motivations for generosity; charity; honor; judging favorably; personal responsibility; gratitude and blessings; arrogance; education; truth. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.