Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Studies in the Book of Leviticus (REL358)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: probe into and analyze the major religious, ethical, halachic, philosophical and historical elements of the Book of Leviticus, use a wealth of Biblical, Midrashic, Rabbinic and later sources to support their analyses, and will be proficient in textual analysis of primary materials written throughout the multi-millennial span of Jewish history.
Major topics include the purpose of sacrifices; ritual purity and ritual impurity; sanctity; sacrifices and repentance; the sequence of events in Shemos, Vayikra and Bamidbar; milu’im; Nadav and Avihu; isarusa d’leila and isarusa d’letata; forbidden foods; avos hatumah; mikvah; leprosy; nega’im; the Yom Kippur service; se’ir la’azazel; vidui; kares; human responsibility to and for animals; reward and punishment in this world and in the world-to-come; dishonesty and theft; cursing the deaf; vengeance; grudges; “Love your neighbor as yourself”; the moon as the basis of the Jewish calendar; significance of the moon; shemittah and yovel; blowing the shofar. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.