Maalot Educational Network | Evaluated Learning Experience
Studies in the Book of Genesis (REL233)
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: discuss the major religious and historical elements of the Book of Genesis; outline major topics in the Book of Genesis; reconcile and synthesize the commentary of Rashi and additional classical and modern commentaries with the construct of the text; combine skills in second language comprehension of Biblical Hebrew with the exegetical principles of comprehension for successful textual analysis.
Major topics include the creation of man; the Garden of Eden; creation of woman; Tree of Knowledge; man’s sin, his denial, and punishment; Cain and Abel: their births and sacrifices; murder of Abel; Cain’s confrontation with G-d, Cain’s punishment; Tower of Babel; Sarah and Hagar; birth of Ishmael; Sodom; Jacob and Esau: the birth of the twins, the sale of the birthright, Isaac’s blessings, and Jacob’s encounter with the angel; Edom; Joseph and his brothers. Topics may vary. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and textual preparation.